Chapter Sixteen: Idiot Gryffindors

Start from the beginning

"But wand users don't possess telepathy," Melody crossed her arms, thinking. "At least, not in England. I have heard the case of a wand-user witch with telepathy over in the States.

"They must have their own version of it, though," Krinos guesses. "It's probably how the headmaster always seems on top of things."

"Wouldn't it be illegal to use a power like that on minors without their permission, though," Melody raised an eyebrow.

"Pretty sure being the headmaster of a few hundred kids and teenagers gives him a bit more of a reason to stretch that law," Harry commented. "Have you looked at what the twins and Lee are doing over there?"

They looked over at the three pranksters messing with the squid. The siblings weren't sure if doing that said that the three had guts or a death wish considering the size of the squid's tentacles on their own.

"I'd ask if they're insane, but I'm afraid of the answer," Krinos stated.

"So, Harry, did you figure out anything that you heard that night you found the mirror," Melody asked.

Harry had been very forthcoming about that night. They had all been suspicious when they heard that someone had been sneaking into the Restricted Section of the library. Harry hadn't been the one doing that, but they now knew someone was. And if they were able to sneak past Mrs.Norris, Filch, and Snape, they're definitely sneaky. But there wasn't any sign that would tell them if they were a Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff.

That was until Lady Luck shined on them. They'd been studying for their History of Magic exam, as they knew nothing Binns talked about would be on the actual test, when they heard voices behind them. It turns out that is was the youngest Weasley male and Granger. Somehow the two had also found their way to the third floor and ran into the Cerberus. They were mumbling about someone named Nicolas Flamel and how Snape was trying to steal something. Neither of which made any sense.

"I'm not sure what those two would be looking for in the Restricted Section, but it can't be good," Harry said. "And they're getting creepy. Every time I'm alone, they seem to appear near me and talking about the third floor. As if I'd ever want to go near that Cerberus ever again unless it's to get him back to the Underworld."

"I hate how someone could so easily take a Cerberus out of Greece," Melody says. "They're a protected endangered species not found anywhere else in the world. It should not have been impossible."

"I'm still not understanding how they got Snape as the main suspect," Krinos wondered. "Sure, we suspected, but Quirrell was also on our list."

"That's mostly because it was either him or Snape that tried to kill you during that Quidditch match," Melody reminded.

"You're the Ravenclaw, what do you have on Quirrell," Harry asked.

"Quirinus Quirrell graduated a few years above Madam Hooch during school, and had been a Ravenclaw," Melody told them. "He had been a teacher here about two years ago but taught the Muggle Studies. According to some of the more believable rumors, he took the year off to gain experience for the Defense Against the Dark Arts job. They also said that he was never the same after encountering a vampire while in Albania."

"Never heard of any vampires in that country before," Krinos says. "The States, South America, Transylvania, Australia, Spain, China, Japan, and Africa. But not Albania. That's a new one."

"Definitely is strange," Harry said. "We were even aware of that single mermaid that had somehow ended up in Iceland."

With mystic souls often being as discriminated as the creatures among wand-using communities, there is common for them to communicate with each other. Mystic souls are actually quite close with magical creatures. Even vampires, as there is actually a mystic soul school in Australia that has a number of them as students.

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