Chapter 67: No One

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I closed my eyes. The murder word was still ringing in my ears. This was the first time that I'd been suspected of murder, not that I wanted it anyway but I just had to clear out all this misunderstanding before it would get worse. 

But my eyes betrayed me. Tears were already falling from my eyes. 

" I didn't kill anyone." I sobbed. 

Mr. Carl kept silent. He was waiting for me to finish my story and so I did. I would try my best to persuade him that my friends and I were being haunted. That the hauntings led us to where we were now. We would never know. He might be a fan of the paranormal and I might have a chance. 

As I was struggling on what part should I start, Mr. Carl snapped me from my thoughts. " Alfred Meyer."

I looked at him at the sound of Alfred's name. My eyes were starting to get blurry and teary again. I was getting desperate. 

" Alfred Meyer was the first victim. And then, here comes old man Garner." he said, with a rising tone in his voice. I eyed him. Somehow, I started to calm down. 

" W-What? You mean that they were killed? But they hung themselves-"

" Yes. But as what the officials stated, somebody led them to their deaths."

" What do you mean?" I asked, genuinely confused. 

He sighed out. " The murderer wants you to believe that they had hung themselves."

My eyes widened. Somebody murdered them? 


If that was true, somebody intruded the night we had a reunion in Yhan's place? Somebody was walking in the house right under our noses? Somebody killed Alfred in our sleep? 


I slumped back at the steel chair I was sitting on. A murderer was on the loose... And they were suspecting me... Me, of all people. 

I wiped the tears from my eyes. " And you guys think I did it?"

Mr. Carl didn't respond. I shook my head in disgust. " I didn't kill anyone." I repeated. This time, it was said with conviction. 

He looked at me and his brows creased. " If only if it were easy." He paused. " You know it doesn't work that way." 

Shit. This was all going haywire. I didn't want to have the police suspect me of all people. I didn't kill them. I didn't kill Alfred! Kim was with me. She could testify except that she's already gone. My friends were important factors to testify to all these but one's gone and the other was in the hospital. I didn't have any important witnesses. 

I had no one. 

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