Chapter 51: Secrets

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I walked towards them with the help of Mac. I placed my hands on his arms as I struggled to walk upright. After all this, I needed to remind myself that I should go and get myself checked up. I needed some medical treatment right about now. 

But I couldn't. Not now, anyway.

They were both in front of the laptop as they typed away. The newspaper clippings were just beside the laptop. The aroma of coffee seemed to have help me gained my senses back. I bet they were at it for hours since I saw three empty mugs on the table they were using. Probably, filled with coffee. 

" Any finds?" I weakly asked. 

They looked up and gave me a smile. " Internet prevails." Yhan smirked. 

Mac helped me down as I sat beside them on the couch. They scooched over. 

" It states here that Josepine was arranged to marry Winston Walter, a big wig during the early 1900s." Kim started. " Josephine didn't have any say to the matter because her mother kept telling her that it was an honor to be part of the Walter family line. You know, the things they'd give to have fame and fortune in the early 19th century." 

I nodded.

" But Winston Walter had had his eyes on the prize. He was in love with Josephine so it didn't matter if their engagement was arranged by their parents. What mattered to him was the fact that he would have her to himself." Kim continued as she pointed at a portrait of Winston with Josephine at his side. Courtesy of Wikipedia. 

Mac emerged from the kitchen carrying a tray. Three of mugs of coffee were on top of it and he gave each of us one. Kim and I accepted our shares and Yhan refused hers, mouthing the words No thank you. Mac smiled and returned back to the kitchen with the remaining mug.

Kim took a small sip of her simmering coffee. " Anyway, since the engagement, Josephine met Thomas Garner, a servant of Winston's and he was the one who comforted Josephine during her depression. From the comforts and the consoles, they practically fell in love with each other. Sometime later, Josephine and Winston got married and to make the story short, yada yada yada..."

Yhan and I exchanged smiles to her yadas.

" So they would escape together to God knows where every time Winston Walter would have business matters to attend. They would run away to Thomas' barn and maybe during one of those cold nights, you guys probably know what I mean." Kim bit her lower lip. I was holding back a laugh. Kim and her innocence of the unknown. 

I thought back at their past. The marriage would be a perfect disguise to cover up the lovers' flaws. But how did the public know such affair?

Unless, someone gave them in. But who?

Who led the family to their demise? Who led Winston Walter to do such agressive actions? 

Kim continued her story, snapping me out from my thoughts. " After six long years since their marriage, such affair got published on the article, rumors were spreading about the lady herself and they instantly became the talk of the town. The children, who were..." Kim hesitated but continued. "... twins, were also six years old." I looked at her when she paused. Did something happen? Or was she still frightened by Yhan's urban legend?

" So somebody sold them off after Thomas and Josephine's children were all grown up? After six years of secrecy?" I asked for confirmation. 

Kim nodded. " Yeah."

Yhan and I looked at each other. I was about to ask the question but Yhan beat me off first. 

" Who?"

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