Chapter 81: I Don't Take The Blame

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Behind her, Shana stood at the doorway.

"And I can't believe that Shana's releasing yet another solo single on Friday," said Kayli, angrily tossing things into a duffel bag. "On a huge soundtrack which will likely overshadow our new single. No loyalty."

"You can't possibly play the loyalty card this time," Shana shook her head.

Kayli turned to respond but Zoe said, "She's right. You're abandoning me for Julie, Skye and Isaac. That's low."

"I'm not abandoning you," said Kayli. "I'm moving half an hour away to live outside of this home so I don't have to live and breathe Rhythmix. Besides, Shana's moving in, so you'll have her. If she can even be relied upon these days..."

She pushed past both girls and made her way to the front door.

Zoe turned to Shana, who was trying not to show how hurt she was by Kayli's words. "She'll be back," Shana assured Zoe. "She and Skye and Julie will be at each other's throats in no time."

But that reassurance didn't do much for Zoe, who ignored her and proceeded to stomp her way to her bedroom, slamming the door shut and locking herself in.


"Why does there need to be another person on the poster with me?" Santana asked, her arms crossed. "I'm pretty capable of headlining a festival all on my own."

"We just need another big name to attach to yours," Quinn explained as Santana glared at Sebastian and Kitty in the latter's office. "So Pride can feel really well-rounded and bring in as many people as possible."

"When you considered Julie for the part, did you tell her she needed a co-headliner?" Santana asked Kitty.

Kitty didn't respond, but Sebastian said, "Stop making this personal. Just tell us if you have any preferences for who the other slot goes to or you'll be forced to work with whoever we select."

Santana turned to Quinn, silently pleading for backup on this, but it seemed Quinn wasn't on her side. She had to choose someone. But who?

"I'll let you think about it," said Sebastian as his phone vibrated nonstop. "Travis is blowing up my phone, asking for a lyric video for a song he wants to turn into a single. And it's a horrible choice but we can't ever win with this guy."

He hurried out of the room, answering a call, and Quinn said, "Well, who do you want it to be?"

Santana's gaze was on the door, which was shut once again now that Sebastian had walked out. She pointed at it, where they'd last seen him, and said, "How about Travis?"


"I just asked for Let Me to be my next single," Travis said, sitting in the board room waiting on Sebastian's arrival while on the phone with Tyler. "Because you had your big moment on Starmaker and this song is kinda special to us and... I just thought it was good timing." 

The door opened and Blaine walked in, stopping whatever he was about to say when he saw Travis was on the phone.

Travis quickly took the phone off speaker and said, "But yeah, I have to go now. I'll talk to you soon."

He hung up as Blaine took a seat across from him, saying, "I have great news for you... You'll be headlining the city's first ever Pride festival. Alongside Santana."

"Wait, what?" Travis' brow creased. "Since when?"

"About two minutes ago."

Shaking his head, Travis said, "No, I can't. I mean... I've got tour preparations and I uh... It's too short notice."

It's Not Over Yet (the seventh book in the glee series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant