~Chapter 70 - Starting Year Seven~

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The month before you left for school got somewhat better. Crabbe and Goyle stopped beating you but Crabbe wouldn't leave your side when out of your room. Voldemort said since you two will be married, get use to it. You didn't leave your room much after you found that out but the day you left, you had no choice. 

"Lets go, wife." Crabbe said. It made your skin crawl.  

"Don't call me that." You said. You had your robes on already also, so you couldn't have to change on the train and risk Crabbe or Goyle seeing you. 

"Well you will be my wife at the end of the year, so get use to it." Crabbe said. You glared at them. Once on the train, Crabbe and Goyle made you sit with them. Crabbe was sitting next to you, holding your hand. You tried many times to make him let you go, but Crabbe was holding on to your wand, at Voldemort's request, so you couldn't hex or stun them and had to deal with it. 

"(y/n), you know this year it's just one house right?" Goyle asked. You looked at him like he was stupid. 

"Really? You don't say?" You asked sarcastically. Your robe was a Slytherin. He glared at you. 

"You know, The Dark lord said you had to produce and air. He never said it had to be from Crabbe." Goyle said. You looked confused. 

"What do you mean?" You asked. Crabbe and Goyle both laughed.   

"Lets just say you will be Crabbe's wife, but you will belong to both of us." Goyle said. Your blue ran cold and you stood. 

"I-I have to go to the bathroom." You said fast. Crabbe stood. 

"I will walk with you." He said. You ran, almost dragging him with you and ran into the bathroom. He let your hand go and you slammed that door, locking it. You didn't have to go, but this was one of the few places he couldn't enter. The other was the female dorm rooms. You sat on the closed toilet and sat, thinking of a plan. Maybe you could somehow contact Harry and Draco.  

"Hurry up!" You heard Crabbe say and pounded on the door. You stood and opened the door. Crabbe grabbed your hand and dragged you back to the compartment. You sat down and thought of how to send a letter to Harry and Draco. 

'I could sneak out and do it that way. They can't keep the owlery under watch.' You thought. You saw the school and the train started to slow. You walked with Crabbe and Goyle and got into the carriage. Once at the school, you stood with Snape and a few other teachers, but you saw many of them were Death Eaters. 

'Or maybe they can.' You thought. Snape announced how he was the new headmaster and how classes were going to be, but you weren't paying attention. 

"Miss Riddle." Snape said and you looked at him. 

"In my office, alone." Snape said. Crabbe let you go and you followed Snape into his office, which was Dumbledore's office. You saw Dumbledore smiling at you.  

"Sit." Snape said. You sat down and waited for him to speak.      

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