Chapter 18 - Second Victim.

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You were standing next to Harry in the dueling club. Draco was next to you, something that shocked you. 

"(y/n), Harry. Can I talk to you after the club?" Draco whispered. You and Harry looked at Draco.

"Yeah." You said. Draco smiled a bit. You saw he was whiter then normal. 

"Hello, Hello. I'm so happy to see everyone here." Lockhart said. You watched him as he explained what to do, falling on his ass as Snape beat him and finally when he called up Harry to the stage. 

"Go Harry!" You shouted. He smiled at you. 

"Goyle." Snape said. Goyle walked up. 

"Remember, disarm only!" Lockhart said but once Snape said go, Goyle smirked. 

"Serpensortia!" He yelled and a Snape came out of his wand.    

"I said disarm only!" Lockhart yelled but everyone else was quiet. 

"Don't do anything." Harry said. you looked at him, then that snake, who looked at Harry, then at a Hufflepuff boy named Justin Finch-Fletchley. The snake slithered up to him. You got on the stage. 

"Stop, don't attack that boy." You said the the snake. The snake turned and looked at you. 

"Vipera Evanesca." You heard Snape say and the snake vanished in flames. You looked at Harry and smiled. 

"What the hell are you two playing at?" Justin yelled. You looked at him but then Draco got up, grabbed both you and Harry and ran from the room. 

"You guys are Parselmouths?" Draco asked. you looked at him. 

"What?" You asked. Draco looked mad. 

"You both just spoke in the snake language, Parseltongue." Draco said. You looked at Harry, then at Draco. 

"No, Harry said don't do anything to the snake and I told it to not attack." You said. Draco shook his head and walked away. 

"Draco!" You called out but he didn't say anything as he walked. You looked at Harry. 

"I heard you talking normal." Harry said. You felt tears coming down your face and Harry hugged you. 

"It will be OK. Draco will calm down." Harry said. You nodded, moving and wiped your eyes. 

"Come on." Harry said. You both started to walk. As you do, you start to hear whispers.  

"Which one do you think it is?" "It has to be Harry." "It has to be (y/n)." "Do you think the Hair of Slytherin could be a Gryffindor?" "The Hair of Slytherin has returned." "The Hair of Slytherin will kill us all." You looked around, seeing everyone looking at you and Harry, avoiding you both and spreading rumors. you looked at Harry. 

"Come on." He said, taking your hand and leading you a different way. Harry lead you to Hagrid's, was had just came out from his hut as the sun was setting.  

"OH, hello there, sorry, cant stay and chat. Something is killing our roosters." Hagrid said and left. You sighed. Seeing Hagrid made you happy, but now you felt sad again. 

"Come on." Harry said. You followed him around the school in silence, but a question popped into your head. 

"Harry, what do you think Draco wanted to talk to us about?" You asked. Harry shrugged, then stopped. You saw he was looking straight ahead and looked, seeing Nearly-Headless Nick floating in midair, but he looked more like a black cloud then his normal grayish self. 

"Sir nick?" You asked, walking up but gasped. 

"Justin!" You yelled. Harry ran up behind you. Justin looking scared and like he was pointing. 

"I knew it." You heard and looked, seeing a Hufflepuff boy named Ernie Macmillan. 

"Your done for, both of you!" He yelled and ran off. You looked at Harry. 


You both froze. It sound like it was right next to you but when you both looked, you saw nothing.

"Blood. Death. Kill."  

It sounded like it was growing weaker, like it was getting further away.      


Footsteps took its place and you saw Ernie again, with McGonagall and Dumbledore. 

"Follow me." Dumbledore said. You and Harry followed him but you turned, seeing Ernie helping McGonagall. Dumbledore led you and Harry to the great hall, where the tables were gone and sleeping bag were set out. 

"We will be sleeping here." Dumbledore said. You and Harry sat on one of the sleeping bags and saw students shuffling in. You saw the other Gryffindor's had moved away from you and Harry, but not Draco. You looked at Draco, who looked at you but no words were spoken as the teachers told everyone to sleep. You laid down, but didn't sleep well but then heard soft footsteps coming towards you.  

"Anything?" McGonagall whispered. You wanted to look, but didn't. 

"No, nothing." Snape said. Then silence. 

"You don't think..." McGonagall started but there was more silence. 

"Yes. If this continues, Hogwarts will be closed, and students will be sent home." Dumbledore said. Your mouth dropped but their footsteps faded. You would have to tell Harry this tomorrow. You wanted to tell Draco, but he seemed like he still didn't want to talk to either of you. You closed your eyes, willing yourself to sleep before tears formed at the thought of Draco. 


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