Chapter 68 - Forced

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You were silent for a minute, trying to think of something to say. 

"I...I don't know." You said. Voldemort nodded and leaned back in the chair. 

"It's OK. I know you don't know. You have been out for a while now. When they contact you, and they will try to contact you, you will tell me." Voldemort said. You nodded and Voldemort smiled and stood. 

"Good. Now on to business." He said and started to walk but you didn't move. He stopped and turned to you. 

"Daughter, come." He said. You stood, following behind him. 

'What am I going to do? I can't escape without my wand and if I do anything, he will kill me.' You thought. You saw he was heading into a room and once in, you saw one of the Charity Burbage, the Professor of Muggle Studies. She was tied up and looked like she was beaten. You also saw Bellatrix in the room, smiling at Voldemort.   

"AH, Charity. You know my daughter." Voldemort said, placing a hand on your back. You wanted to move away from it but stayed still. 

"She is here to prove her worth." Voldemort said, walking to Bellatrix and grabbed something. When he walked back, you saw it was your wand. He held it out for you. 

"Take it daughter. Kill the woman that is poisoning the minds of young witches and wizards." He said. You started to shake and shook your head. Voldemort raised his hand, smacking you. 

"Defy me again and you will regret it. Take your wand and kill her." Voldemort said, reaching down and grabbed your arm, hoisting you back to your feet. He then shoved your wand into your hand. You looked at the wand, then at Professor Burbage, then finally at Voldemort. 

"P-Please father...I can't. I-I have never killed anyone before." You said. Voldemort smiled and leaned into your ear.

"No time like the present to learn." Voldemort whispered. Tears started to form in your eyes. 

"Please father, please." You said as the tears fell. Voldemort sighed and took his wand out, pointing it at you. 

"I'm sorry by daughter, but you will learn, even if I have to force you to. Imperio." Voldemort said. You felt relaxed but you tried to fight it, but it only allowed you to see and hear what what going on. 

"Now, daughter. Use the killing curse and with her death, we will be one step closer to a new, beautiful world." Voldemort said. You raised your wand, pointing it at Professor Burbage. 

"Avada Kedavra." You said and saw the green light come out of your wand, hitting her. She fell to the ground, unmoving. You then felt the Imperius Curse being lifted from you and you fell to your knees, your wand still in your hand. You gave a scream as your cried. You then felt a hand on your head. 

"It's alright my daughter. She was poisoning the future minds. She was worthless." Voldemort said. You looked at him, hate filling your eyes. You then stood and pointed your wand at him. He didn't move or say anything. He didn't even flinch. 

"You...You..." You couldn't even say you hated him right now because of the hate. He reached and took your wand from you. Your arm dropped to your side. 

"You will feel better in the morning my daughter. Go and sleep." Voldemort said. Your hand clenched into a fist and you throw it, hitting him in the cheek. He fell to the ground from the force and looked up at you, a shocked look on his face. Your breathing was hard, but then your realized what you did. Voldemort stood up slowly. You saw a bit of blood dripping from his mouth, which he wiped and looked at before looking at you.  

"That, my daughter, was a mistake." He said and took his wand out. 

"Crucio." Voldemort said calmly and you fell to the ground, screaming in pain. It felt like your skin was being ripped from your body over and over again. When Voldemort stopped, you were breathing hard. Voldemort only used it on you for about thirty seconds, but it felt like thirty minutes. He walked up to you, crouching down and used his hand to lift your chin, making you look at him. 

"Today was thirty seconds. Each time you defy me, I will add more time. I told you that you will learn, even if I have to teach you using pain." Voldemort said and stood. 

"Take her to her room!" Voldemort shouted and you felt your self being lifted and dragged.           

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