Chapter 30 - Discovery

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Over the next few weeks, all anyone could talk about was Sirius trying to brake into the Gryffindor tower. The reason why he wanted to get in changed for every house. The Gryffindors said he left something in the dorms that would link other's to him and Voldemort. 

Hufflepuffs said that he wanted to remember the tower one more time before dying. 

Ravenclaws said he wanted to use the fireplace to get the Voldemort. 

Slytherins said he wanted to kill someone. All sounded wrong to you and you tried to ignore the rooms and soon, the next Hogsmeade visit was here and the rumors and whispers started to die down. 

"Have fun guys, I plan to just hang in the common room." Harry said. You nodded and waved as you walked with Draco. 

"Are we all starting again this year?" You asked Draco, who nodded. 

"Yeah. I hope Harry likes what I got him." Draco said. He had gotten Harry a bag that was magically enhanced to hold more that it looks and could even fit his trunk in it with out it weighing anything. You nodded, remembering what you got him. It was simple, just a book on Quidditch because he was fascinated by the sport. (A/U - Harry doesn't play in this story, sorry

"I think he will." You said as you both walked into the town, but then Draco grabbed your hand, dragging you off. You blushed as he held it tight. He then stopped and you were looking at a house in the far distance. 

"That's the creaking shack." Draco said, still holding you hand.

"They say, every month or so, that it creaks so loud, it sounds like howling." Draco said. You staired at it in awe. 

"Wow." You said. He nodded but then you heard the sounds of snow falling and Draco turned, letting your hand go. You tueed also, not seeing anything but then a snowball came, hitting you in the face. 

"Ah! Hey!" You shouted. You then heard laughing. 

"Harry?" You said, smiling. He then took his invisibility cloak off. 

"How did you get here?" Draco asked.  Harry held out a parchment and tapped his wand to it and said "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." You then saw a map appear. You and Draco looked as he explained it and then said "mischief managed". 

"Wow, that's cool." Draco said. You nodded.  

"And with this, we can all get Butterbeer!" You said happily. Draco and Harry smiled and the three of you ran to the Three Broomsticks. Once in you all ordered and started to talk but then you saw something in the window. 

"Harry, put your coat on." You said. Harry didn't hesitate as he covered just in time as McGonagall walked in and went upstairs. You sighed in relief. 

"Come on, lets go before she comes out." You said and Draco nodded and stood, but then looked around. 

"Harry?" He whispered. You were confused, but then saw Draco looking with his hands. You looked around, hoping to see some sign of his when you  heard footsteps and the door opened, but no one was there. You looked at Draco and you both ran out the door, following his footsteps. You saw he ran back to the place he threw snowballs at. You saw the footsteps stopping at a log. You looked at Draco before looking back and reached out, removing his cloak. Harry was crying. 

"Harry?" You asked softly. He looked at you but his eyes held anger. 

"He was their friend. He betrayed his best friends!" Harry yelled. You and Draco both looked at each other in confusion before looking back at Harry. 

"Sirius betrayed his best friends! They named him my godfather and he...He sold them out the Voldemort!" Harry screamed in anger. You and Draco were silent as Harry cried, not wanting to make this worse. 


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