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Months passed in the Min mansion where not much happened. Relationships blossomed, but no serious steps were taken. 

Relating to the hunters entering the forest it was strangely quiet as well. Hoseok only had alerted of intruders once, which was very different from the weekly visitors.

"They're planning something." Yoongi announced, planting his hands on his desk. The other three vampires stood before him, their hands clasped in front of them. "Maybe they gave up?" Hoseok tried, but it immediately got shot down by Yoongi.

"You know how humans get, they're greedy for the things they can't have. They won't just drop trying to kill us and stealing our centuries worth of riches."

Jungkook looked over at Seokjin, his doe eyes filled with questions. The older vampire put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, giving him a light squeeze.

"We have to re-enforce security just in case. The other three will also start training more intensely. These dumb brainless humans won't take the time to stand still and look whether they're shooting a vampire or one of their own."

"I agree." Seokjin spoke up, of course he was on Yoongi's side. He's seen the lengths humanity was willing to go through in his long life. "I think it's a bit too extreme. What will you do this time? Lock us all up?" Hoseok folded his arms. "That's exactly what I'm doing, I'm forbidding everyone from leaving this mansion."

"We need to eat Yoongi."

"We'll find a way around that."

"You're being ridiculous." Hoseok kept his ground under Yoongi's intense stare. "I don't care what you think, Hoseok. You do what I tell you to do."

"Oh, look who is turning into his father." He rolled his eyes, he was definitely pissing Yoongi off. "I'm nothing like my father!"

"Then listen to what I have to say instead of dismissing me through authority."

"Get out, I don't want to talk to you right now." Hoseok looked at Seokjin and Jungkook who remained quiet before leaving the room. 


Two hands ended up on Yoongi's shoulders, kneading the stiff muscles.
"Heard you had an argument with Hobi."

"Who told you?"


"Of course." Yoongi sighed, rubbing his temples. "What happened?"

"He refused to listen to my orders." Taehyung's thumbs dug into a sore muscle, making Yoongi hiss. "Sorry." He apologized before speaking his thoughts. "But that never gets to you. They often go against your orders, there is more to the story." Yoongi sighed, removing Taehyung's hands from his shoulders.

"Sit." He said, patting the chair next to him, which Taehyung quickly sat down on. 

"I'm afraid the hunters are planning a big ambush, they've been too quiet for too long." Taehyung hummed, getting the concern but not wanting to interrupt him. "So, I want to close the mansion down. Nobody leaves, nobody enters. Hoseok, for some weird reason, was very against it."

"It is quite the intense measure yes-"

"Taehyung, if you're going to argue with me about it as well then I don't want to hear it." The mundane threw his hands up in surrender. "I'm just saying that I understand where he's coming from. Everyone in this house likes to have their freedom, even you."

"I'm doing this to keep everyone safe."

"Just let them come, we've beat the ass of the nightmare vampires before, a human doesn't compare to that."

"I don't like possibly underestimating my opponent."

"An opponent you aren't even sure is there in the first place." Yoongi's eyes looked tired. "They're always there, I can never fucking escape them no matter what I do. Their disgusting greed for fame and wealth just causes them to-"

"Yoongi, hey, hey." Taehyung interrupted, placing his hands on Yoongi's arm. "Calm down, don't get riled up."

"Taehyung you were one of them once upon a time, you know the determination that goes up in their brains."

"I was out for revenge though, not wealth." Taehyung rubbed the vampire's arms in comfort. "How about we ease into your plan? That way it will be a gradual close down. Perhaps that's easier for Hoseok to accept, hm?"

"No, we're closing down asap." Yoongi pushed Taehyung's hands off, walking towards the door. "Yoongi!" Taehyung tried, but his cry just fell on deaf ears.

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