Change of Schedule

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So, a friend of mine brought up the fact that I post a lot to me. And they're kinda right. 3 times a week is a lot. (Especially in combination that I am a student and an artist that posts art very frequently as well.) And before, I never really minded it considering I've been doing it for years.

But perhaps I need to change my strategy. I need to give my readers more room to breathe and be able read the book at a slow pace, enjoying every moment of it.

I don't want people to feel rushed to keep up. Not everyone has loads of time, especially not considering I post on weekdays.

College has started for me as well, and I am increasingly getting busier. I need more time to write and I think slightly decreasing the publish rate will do the trick.

I've spoken to a few friends and asked the opinion of the readers. Some liked 3, other's preferred 1. I've decided to take the middle road, 2.

Right now, the schedule is:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday.

I will be changing it to:
Wednesday & Saturday

One chapter for mid-week as a little treat, and one chapter in the weekend so you can sit back, relax, and have a chapter waiting for you to read in your free time. :)

Right now my schedule isn't TOO hectic, but in case that does happen in the future. I am also proposing an upload schedule of once a week on Friday. That will give me more time for schoolwork etc.

I'll be experimenting, first seeing how I like Wed and Sat. Maybe I'll eventually decrease it to once a week on Friday. We'll see!

Hope you understand :)

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