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"To be in this clan, it means being able to fight for yourself when necessary." Yoongi spoke, standing in front of the 3 mundanes.

"We can do th-" Namjoon spoke up, getting interrupted by Yoongi. "Without weapons." That seemed to shut the ex-leader up, his confidence in their skills came with the appropriate weapons. Namjoon knows for a fact that Jimin can't land a punch to save his life. 

"Okay, so, Hoseok, Seokjin and I will be training you. Jungkook is still training himself and is too busy with college to regulate a proper training schedule. He might join you for a few training sessions but don't expect him to show up too much." The mundanes nodded at that. They would actually be getting proper training. The vampires are entrusting them with their fighting style, something they could use against them.

"Are we doing group training?"

"That's too chaotic, 1 on 1 always works better." Hoseok answered them. 

"So how are we divided?" Taehyung spoke up, he kinda already knew the answer but asked just to be sure.

"We're rotating every training session. It's good to have multiple mentors that are better at different fields. Today however you can choose with whom you begin." Namjoon immediately went to stand at Hoseok's side. To Taehyung's surprise, Jimin didn't leap into Seokjin's arms. Instead, he went to stand next to Yoongi.

Which left Taehyung to train with Seokjin. This should be interesting.


"The element of surprise is your best friend in a battle." Seokjin walked circles around him before his foot pushed against Taehyung's kneecap, making the mortal lose his balance. "I warned you and you still fell for it." Taehyung regained his balance and threw a nasty look at him. "Who the hell would expect a foot to the kneecap?"

"No one, that's why you should do it." 

"...I guess it works that way, yeah."

"Exactly, now. Show me your best punch."

"You want me to punch you?" Taehyung raised his brow at the vampire. "Yup, I need to see where your skill level is at." Taehyung shrugged, loosening up his shoulders before taking the swing. His fist getting stopped by Seokjin's hand mid air.

"That isn't fucking fair."

"You'll have to face well trained supernaturals, the fight won't be fair."

"You sound like Yoongi now." Taehyung grumbled, earning a laugh from Seokjin. "We got trained by the same person and... If you spend hundreds of years at someone's side you're bound to take over mannerisms." 

Taehyung only spent a few years around Jimin yet already took over the habit of flailing his body around while laughing. No wonder that despite their differences in personality, Seokjin and Yoongi will still be like each other in a certain way. Theirs just show when being serious and professional. Seokjin handed Taehyung some boxing gloves, putting down a simple boxing ball in the middle of the room. 

"I can see your form a little better when your target isn't my face." Seokjin coached him through the appropriate form and how to turn his body to have an effective swing.

Taehyung's mind kept racing with the same question he needed to ask. 

"Considering you know Yoongi so well..." Taehyung huffed out before punching the box ball again. "Yes?"

"How does one get close to him? I mean... I've spoken to him quite a lot but he still shelters himself..."

"Yoongi is unlike what his exterior shows, a simple mind."

"How so?" Taehyung cocked his eyebrow, what Seokjin was saying was very unlike the sheltered and mysterious man he has spoken to, the man he has kissed.

"All you need to do to get close to Yoongi is to-"



Jimin's back hit the hard marble floor. "Can you stop flooring me!?" He hissed out angrily. In the hour he has been training with Yoongi, he must have spent half of it getting knocked to the ground and trying to get back up.

"Can you stop falling for it?"

"It's difficult!" The young man whined, he had no fighting experience, he just hid behind his camera whenever Taehyung and Namjoon were trying out their weapons. 

"Don't be so pathetic. I'm taking it easy on you." Jimin's eyebrows furrowed up in anger, standing back up on his feet. "Cat got your tongue?" Yoongi taunted, knowing damn well it would rile Jimin up.

"I'm not pathetic!" The mundane yelled out, his balled up fist swinging against Yoongi's jaw. The vampire's head shot to the side, his hand slowly reaching up to touch his jaw.

Jimin looked at the vampire with simmering rage. Nobody should underestimate Park Jimin. "Nice one." Yoongi commented, his head turning back to face Jimin. "But not good enough." He continued. The comment made Jimin's eyes twitch in anger. "Now release that anger on something that isn't me... and proof that you're worth it to be in my clan."

"I fucking will." Jimin spat.

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