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Remember Hoseok's plan of getting Yoongi? You know, the almighty Killer vampire leader, the most responsible person to walk around in that damn house? Yeah, that dude. He didn't live up to those expectations.

"I am totallyyyy over him." Seokjin slurred before downing another shot of tequila. "That'sssss the gooood kind of burn."

"Hell yeah." Yoongi clinked his shot glass against Seokjin's and downed the drink as well. "Fuck those mundanes, they're not worth your time."

You might be wondering why Yoongi is drinking as well. That's very easy, it's because he is a firm believer of drinking the pain away. (A.k.a, taking every excuse to get drunk.)

Yoongi and Seokjin have always been drinking buddies and because of their old age they have built quite the tolerance up.

....However 10 bottles of strong liquor is a little too much, even for them. Seokjin was the slurring kind of drunk, oversharing all his emotions despite him not being able to speak properly.

Yoongi, on the other hand, just became inmobile. His speech was fine, his legs however, not so much.

"What. The. Fuck." Taehyung muttered once he saw the two men sprawled across the cooking island. "Hiiiii~" Seokjin sang before he lost all his energy again. Taehyung glanced over at Yoongi who just seemed indifferent.

"Tae look! Joonie made something for me to put in my shoe and now I can walk prop- What's going on here?" Jimin froze in his steps when he saw the two drunk vampires. "Would like to know as well." Taehyung grumbled, he knew neither of the vampires were going to give an answer any time soon.

"Let's give those losers some water and into bed." Jimin suggested, Taehyung immediately agreed. "Sounds like a good plan."

Taehyung reached out for Yoongi's arm, pulling him off the counter. He expected his vampire senses to kick in, however Yoongi seemed to turn into liquid and just splat on the floor. "Shit." Taehyung cursed, Yoongi was going to be a bigger challenge than anticipated.

The mundane slung Yoongi's arm around his shoulder and hoisted him up. "To bed you go." He stated, dragging the drunk vampire behind.

Jimin's gaze followed them out of the kitchen and now slowly turned back to Seokjin. "What am I gonna do with you?" Jimin poked him with a wooden spoon that was laying around. "Are you alive?"

He paced around the counter to see Seokjin's face, was he asleep? 

"What do you want?" Seokjin mumbled tiredly. "I'm going to get you to bed." Jimin said, reaching out his hand for Seokjin to grab. The vampire however had a very different reaction, his eyes bulged out of his skull and he smacked the man's hand away. "No! You can't get meee intu bed!"

Jimin quirked his eyebrow up, what has gotten into him? ...Right, alcohol has, but damn is he going insane. "What are you talking about? Just go lay in bed an-"

"Youuuu need consent for dat mister! And I'm not givin you it!"

"....Jin I'm not talking about having sex, I'm talking about you going to sleep." 



"Well, good. Can't do dat to Jungkookieee." Seokjin hopped off the counter, looking at Jimin who was now even more confused. "Can't do what to Jungkookie?" Jimin asked, handing a glass of water to Seokjin which the vampire immediately gulped down.

"Having sex with you, duhhhhh, silly!" Seokjin poked Jimin's forehead. "Why?"

"Becuzzz Jungkookie kisssssed you!"

"Uh-huh. We're not in a relationship though, I can do what I want. And I mean- I'm totally open to having sex with y-"

"Consseentt!" Seokjin yelled, making the other man flinch from the loud sound. Jimin rolled his eyes, pushing yet another glass of water to Seokjin. "Right, of course."

"Y'know, Kookie is verryyy lucky." Seokjin took a sip of water before looking at the smaller man in front of him. "How so?"

"Hhmmnn I alwayss wondered whatt those lips would feel like." Damn, Seokjin was very honest when drunk. He is spilling all his secrets. "So you like me?" Jimin folded his arms, if Seokjin isn't honest with his feelings sober than Jimin can just find out what he thinks when drunk. 

Nothing wrong with just asking questions... right?

Seokjin snorted in response to Jimin's question. "Duhhhh." The vampire giggled before taking a step towards Jimin. The mundane's breath got caught in his throat. Seokjin's dark eyes were staring down at him, an unreadable expression in them. 

The vampire leaned down, their lips just a few mere inches away from each other. Normally Jimin would've one hundred percent put a stop the second a drunk person was throwing themselves at him. However Seokjin's gaze intoxicated Jimin, he didn't think clearly because of the desire of wanting to be with the vampire. Jimin went to stand on his tippy toes, Seokjin quickly putting his hand on top of Jimin's lips and giggling. "Nice try." 

Embarrassment rose to Jimin's face, completely turning red. Ashamed of trying to make use of Seokjin's drunken state.
It was obvious the vampire had sobered up during their conversation, his slurring was very minimal. "Jin I'm so sorry-"

"Hmmm, it's fine." Jimin felt like a dick, a disgusting dick, one with STDs because that's what people who do that shit have.   "You're sober again aren't you?"

"Vampires sober up a lot quicker." Jimin cursed himself out under his breath. "Jimin, stop worrying, I said it's fine. I was kinda leading you on anyway."

"...When you... When you said you liked me, did you mean it?" Seokjin sighed and closed his eyes. It was fairly obvious he hated his drunk self for saying that. "Like drunk me said, I can't do that to Jungkook. He's young, he still needs to experience what love is and... well, it seems like you can do that for him."

"What do you want though?"

"Him to be happy, be it at my expense or not. He's gone through a lot at a very young age, the least I can do is let him be with who he desires." Seokjin downed another glass of water before slowly walking towards his bedroom, Jimin following suit. "Can you at least think about it?"

"About what?" Seokjin asked, turning his back to Jimin. 

"About giving us a chance." Seokjin stopped at his door, turning to look at Jimin. Grabbing the younger's hand in his own, lightly tapping his finger on top of Jimin's hand. "I don't think I will." Jimin squeezed his lips in a thin line, looking at their hands when disappointment came crashing into his body. "I... Understand."

"Uhm... sorry, again. For uh-" Jimin continued, looking up at Seokjin. The vampire lifted their hands, pressing a light kiss on Jimin's knuckles. "Goodnight Jimin." He said before entering his room.

"Night." Jimin mumbled, looking at his knuckles

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