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Taehyung stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes trailing over every individual before stopping when his gaze met the unmissable cat eyes of Yoongi. 

Yoongi's eyes were fixated just above Taehyung's eyes, staring at his light brown curls. Right, that must be quite the difference from the bright red mullet he's used to. Taehyung scanned Yoongi over, the man hadn't changed a bit. His short ravenblack hair against his pale anemic skin in combination with his Victorian style clothes, were still proudly sported by the man.

If Taehyung was being quite honest, he loved his red hair. It made him stand out from the crowd, and pulled the attention to him. Which he loved, being the natural entertainer that he is. However his red locks reminded him of Yoongi, whose love for red was very evident. To be able to move on from him meant changing his hair. Out of sight, out of mind.

But now he's in sight and very much clouding Taehyung's mind. The mundane cleared his throat and stepped towards him. "Hi." Taehyung awkwardly waved, Yoongi just merely acknowledged him with a nod, grabbing his black coffee and sitting at a table. The curly haired man didn't know what got into himself when he made a b-line and went to sit right in front of him.

"How have you been doing?" Taehyung asked, his voice full with sincerity. He was genuinely curious as to how his once upon a time, maybe still now, love interest was doing. "Fine." The vampire shrugged, Taehyung saw straight through it though, he was far from fine. "You're lying."

"Even if I was, why would that concern you?" Taehyung let out a sigh, slumping his shoulders. "Look, I get that what happened two years ago kind of makes this awkward. However, I still care about your well-being. I want you to be happy."

"I would've been happy if you came back with us." Yoongi snarked before averting his gaze away. "I know- but it was all so sudden and my mom begged me to go- I just had to go with her." Yoongi hummed, clearly unimpressed. "Yoongi listen." Taehyung put his hand on top of the vampire's. "If I had known you for just a bit longer, if I was certain you weren't just using us... I would've gone with you, but we only knew each other for a few months..." Yoongi retracted his hand from Taehyung's grip.

"I saved your ass multiple times and it still wasn't clear to you I wasn't using you?" 

"Maybe if you hadn't killed my father I would've trusted you." Taehyung grumbled, the vampire leaning back in his chair. "Fair enough." He said, taking a sip of his coffee. Taehyung was slightly ticked off by Yoongi's indifferent behavior. That wasn't the Yoongi he knew and once had fallen head over heels for. Which, he refused to acknowledge back then, but now he's grown and matured. He had loved Yoongi, even if they weren't official.

"Taehyung." Jimin called out, a warning laced through his voice. Taehyung looked at Yoongi before walking over to his best friend. "What?"

"Be nice." Taehyung narrowed his eyes. "I thought you hated them just as much as me." Jimin sighed, pulling Taehyung to the corner of the cafe. "When we left and you and Joonie went to Europe, I researched them some more. Tae, what they do is comparable to what we do to animals. We can't blame them for acting out on their nature when we're out here eating pigs, cows and more."

Taehyung looked back at Yoongi who has since then moved to sit next to Seokjin.

"Why would he order them to kill others then?"

"Tae, let's be honest, the biggest murderer was his father, Yoongi only orders to kill out of desperation for survival. They're the last 4 of their species, he's saving the last bit of family he has."

Taehyung looked down at the floor. "You're right, I'm being a hypocrite. If I eat animal meat I shouldn't blame them for drinking human blood. Their tactic doesn't even always involve killing, ours does." Jimin pressed his lips in a thin line and nodded. The smaller man put his hand on Taehyung's shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "I think you should apologize."

"Stop being right, it's freaking me out." Jimin let out a chuckle before letting go of his shoulder.

"Good luck with that apology."

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