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Jimin had been hopping around the mansion for awhile now but the vampire couldn't be found anywhere. Normally Jimin would walk into Yoongi's office, the vampire always providing Seokjin's location with an amused grin plastered on his face

Considering Yoongi was out of question right now he decided to ask the next best thing. Jimin hopped towards Hoseok's room, bursting in without even a single knock.

"Hi Hoseok- stop screaming. Do you- Oh hi Joonie. Do you know where Seokjin is?"

"The office? Thanks." He hopped out of the room again, closing the door behind him. 

"Weird, what would Joonie be doing in Hoseok's bed?" He wondered out loud, tapping his chin. Jimin brushed it off, surely he was overthinking it.


"Jin!" Seokjin dropped the papers he was holding, looking behind him. Oh no, oh hell no. Not today. Please not today. Jimin was hopping into the office and straight at him. That meant one thing, Seokjin had to run.

The vampire started sprinting, he had never wished to have supernatural speed this badly. "Oh come on! I need your help!" Jimin called out, but Seokjin didn't hear.

Jimin leaned onto the railing, catching his breath. He couldn't recall that Seokjin was such a fast runner, maybe it had to do with the fact that Jimin was currently stuck hopping.

The boy wiped his forehead before he lost his grip on the stair railing, tumbling down the said stairs. Jimin grumbled, laying flat on the floor at the bottom of the stairwell. He trailed his hand over his temple, feeling a liquid trickling down it. He retracted his fingers and looked at them, blood. If there was something Jimin was horrible with, it was the sight of his own blood. At the sight of his blood his eyes rolled to the back of his head, the man losing his consciousness.

Seokjin had heard the loud bangs, his morals gnawing at him. He had to check what had happened. The vampire looked over the railing, seeing a knocked out Jimin in starfish position at the bottom of the stairs. "Shit." Seokjin mumbled, now he felt bad. Despite Jimin behaving like a predator so now and then, he couldn't leave him like that. Seokjin is a better person than that.

He descended down the stairs, swooping Jimin up in his arms. As long as he remained asleep this wouldn't be an issue. Seokjin took the injured boy to his bedroom, carefully laying him down on the bed.

He inspected Jimin carefully, disinfecting the injury on his head and sticking a bandage to it. Drama queen, fainting from that little cut. Seokjin's eyes scanned over Jimin's body before it fell on his leg, was that the reason he was on Jungkook's back?

He carefully cut open the mostly torn apart jeans. Jimin will definitely kill him for that, but he needed to see what this was all about. He didn't know Jimin had an untreated wound, he just thought he had sprained ankle. Seokjin unwrapped the bandage that was already around it, nearly barfing when he saw the actual wound.

That shit was infected, very infected. Whoever treated that did a horrible job. Seokjin grabbed all the essentials before getting to work. With every step the vampire glanced up at Jimin to see if he was stirring awake or not. Fortunately for Seokjin, he was still very much K.O.

After treating Jimin's every wound and even stitching up his leg he stepped back, satisfied. None of these idiots would have survived without him, Seokjin was the backbone, the one you can rely on.

He was the most handsome as well, of course. Okay Seokjin, enough gloating, your ego is big enough already.

Seokjin looked at Jimin's sleeping figure and had to admit, he looked cute. Probably because he wasn't chasing Seokjin with a maniacal smile for once. Jimin looked innocent, like a little baby boy dreaming about puppies. It reminded him a lot of Jungkook who gave off the exact same vibe while asleep, it was Seokjin's weakness. 

The vampire took a seat on the side of the bed, his eyes falling on Jimin's small clenched fist. Seokjin balled his own fist and compared them, the size difference was both hilarious and absolutely adorable. "Cute." Seokjin softly smiled, brushing his finger over Jimin's hand.

His eyes travelled back up at Jimin's face. His chubby cheeks squished against the pillow and his pouty lips protruding. Seokjin hesitantly reached out before stopping himself.

He shouldn't touch Jimin's face if he can't consent. That's wrong.

But those cheeks look so squishy and cute-

No Seokjin, don't do it. 

Seokjin's hand hovered above Jimin's face, the heat of Jimin's cheeks radiating against the palm of his hand. Should he? No. Okay maybe just a lil' touch wouldn't hurt-

"Just put your damn hand on my face."

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