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The morning struck, the sun rising to meet the horizon and surpass it.

Seokjin already stood in the kitchen, making breakfast for the 7 of them.

A silent shuffling was heard just outside of the kitchen when a head peeked in. "Why are you already up?" Jungkook's groggy morning voice spoke up, his eyes were squinted as if he was fighting the urge to sleep. Seokjin let out a small giggle when seeing Jungkook's locks sticking in different directions. "I can ask the same to you." He said, earning a hum in response from the sleepy boy. "The smell woke me up."

Of course it did, Jungkook has always been scent oriented. Just the faintest scent of something and Jungkook can immediately pinpoint what it is and where it's located. Both a blessing and a curse for the young vampire. "What are you making?"

"Breakfast bagels." Seokjin said, a slow shuffling approaching from behind. Jungkook looked over Seokjin's shoulder to see the breakfast, his mouth watering at the sight. "How am I supposed to go back to bed when this is waiting for me?" Jungkook whined, making Seokjin snort. "You'll survive."

"Quick, give me another scent." Jungkook waved his hands around, frantically trying to find a scent that would distract him from the bagels. Jungkook's hand wrapped around Seokjin's waist, the young vampire nosing at his neck. "You're taking 'breathing down someone's neck' a little too literally." Seokjin laughed, elbowing Jungkook away. 

Jungkook had always taken to Seokjin's scent, it brought him a sense of comfort and safety. "I like your smell." Jungkook kept holding onto Seokjin's waist. 

"Your parents really should've raised you better." 

"I won't argue with that." Seokjin rolled his eyes, he didn't exactly know what Jungkook's parents were like. The young vampire had blended into the mundane society his whole life, his parents convincing him that he had an inherited condition that made him need to ingest blood. ....Yeah young Jungkook was kind of gullible.... He still kind of is.

It wasn't until his parents were called into battle a few years ago that Jungkook found out the truth, which is when he met the other killer vampires. He struggled to accept the truth for a very long time, especially considering his parents were no longer there. 

He didn't want to accept that he was this monster, hated by everyone. Word eventually spread about Jungkook's family, causing the young vampire to be hunted down by his very own friends. Ever since then he has been living in the Min mansion, under protection of the other vampires.

He might still be young but Jungkook definitely lived his fair share of trauma. Which is probably why he is so attached to Seokjin who has a very nurturing nature. The three vampires despite being worlds apart have helped shape Jungkook into the man he is today. 

Hoseok gave Jungkook his positive outlook, Seokjin gave Jungkook his caring nature and Yoongi gave Jungkook his determination.

"You're still breathing down my neck." Seokjin reminded him. "Deal with it." Jungkook said, propping his chin on the older vampire's shoulder.


Namjoon rounded the corner, bumping into Jimin. "Oh hi Jimin." The man nervously giggled, making Jimin furrow his brow. 

"Why are you so fidgety?" 

"...No reason." Jimin's eyes narrowed some more when his eyes fell on Namjoon's neck. "Is that-"

"An insect bite? It sure is!" Namjoon quickly scurried past Jimin. "Kim Namjoon! Get your ass back here!"

Namjoon leaped into a room, smashing the door shut behind him, not expecting to get greeted by Hoseok. "...What did you do?" He asked, raising his brow at his boyfriend's odd behavior.

"I think Jimin is onto us-" 

"What do you mean 'onto us'?"

"I mean- us two, together." Namjoon dramatically gestured to both of them. "...Joonie, have you not told your friends about us yet?"

"You have!?"

"Well duh!" Hoseok stepped forward to face his boyfriend. "I thought you wanted it to be a secret-"

"Why would I want to hide the fact that I found someone?" Hoseok pinched Namjoon's cheek, smiling up at him. "Tell them when you're ready, no pressure." Namjoon's shocked face softened, looking at his boyfriend with love eyes.

That's just the effect Hoseok has on people.

"You're too perfect." Namjoon smiled, his dimples on full display for Hoseok to adore. "Can say the same for you." Hoseok said, giving a quick peck on Namjoon's lips.

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