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"Yoongi! Look!" Jungkook twirled around, showing off his new outfit. Yoongi spared him a short glance before looking back at his book. "Hey! Compliment the young one!" Seokjin slapped the back of Yoongi's head who then glared up at him. "No." He said clearly before resuming his reading.

"Why not? He looks cute!"

"It looks awful." Yoongi raised his lip in disgust.

Seokjin raised his eyebrow before looking over Yoongi's outfit. "It's 2019 Yoongi, not everyone is stuck in the 1800's like you. A makeover wouldn't hurt." 

"It definitely would, now leave me alone."

A soft knock was heard on the door before another colorful figure entered the room. "Uh.. Yoongi?"

"Oh my God you too?" Yoongi slammed his book shut and rubbed his temples. "All those colors are giving me a headache." Hoseok shrugged it off before handing a small screen with security camera footage to him. "I think you need to see this." Hoseok said, pointing at the camera that faced the north. "An unknown van entered the perimeters." Seokjin gasped, smushing Jungkook's face together. "They better not hurt my precious."

"Who are you? Gollem?" Jungkook muttered. "Oh my God I recently watched that movie-"

"Can we get back to business? Hoseok, find out who they are and what they're trying to do. Seokjin, make sure everything is protected while I make a plan to get them out of my forest." Hoseok and Seokjin nodded before scurrying out of the room. Yoongi turned around, coming face to face with Jungkook. "What can I do?" He asked, his big innocent doe eyes full on display.

"Nothing." Yoongi stated before brushing past him. "But I-" Yoongi sighed before looking back at the pouty Jungkook. "You're too young, it's way too dangerous for you."

"Hobi is from the same century as me!" Jungkook whined, he wanted to have an important role as well. "Hoseok is 99, you're 22. Nice try." Yoongi turned back around, Jungkook quickly followed after him. "Yoongi pleassseeee." He hung onto Yoongi's arm. "Okay okay, go get us some plasma packs." Yoongi shooed him away, Jungkook excitedly jumped up. "On it!" His eyes twinkled before skipping out of the room.


"Everything is protected." Seokjin walked back into Yoongi's office. "There's no way any of them are getting in." 

"Good." Yoongi hummed, there were only four of them left, no way is he going to risk losing even one of them. The door opened once again and Hoseok walked in. "3 males, no criminal record so no clue who they are."

"If they don't have a criminal record then we should be fine… They can't be THAT dangerous." Seokjin stated, Yoongi shushing him. "Don't underestimate angry mundanes. That mistake was my father fatal and you know that better than anyone else." Seokjin immediately shut his mouth before looking around the room. Hoseok had noticed the exact same thing. "Where is Kookie?"

"He wouldn't leave me alone so I sent him to get some plasma packs." Hoseok looked relieved with that answer, at least their youngest wasn't wandering around somewhere dangerous.


Jungkook walked through the halls before stopping at the front door. "Did he say plasma packs or fruits?" He tapped his chin, deep in thought before shrugging and grabbing a little basket. "I'm sure they would appreciate some fresh and juicy plasma fruits. Jinnie worked hard on growing them so I bet they will be delicious!" Jungkook said before slipping out of the front door.

He had been walking through the forest for a while when he finally approached the trees. 

Jungkook stood on his tippy toes before plucking a few of the fresh fruits when he heard the sound of an engine approaching.

Not long after that a black van stood just before him

Who would that be?

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