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"Jungkookie, which country colonized Indonesia?"

"France?" Jimin looked at him with disbelief, slowly lowering the book. "I literally talked about this five minutes ago." Jungkook shrugged. "Spain?" Jimin shot him a glare. "The Netherlands, you dipshit." He said, hitting the book lightly on Jungkook's head.

"Which country colonized.... Japan?"

"Oh! I know! Britain!"

"...Japan were colonizers themselves."

"Don't ask trick questions! That's mean!" Jungkook lightly shoved Jimin.

"Life is mean!" Jimin shoved him back, just a tad bit harder. Jungkook looked shocked, before grabbing his pillow and smacking Jimin with it. The mundane grabbed a bigger pillow and swung it against Jungkook's head.

The two started a full blown pillow fight, giggled erupting from the two young ones. After minutes of laughing and screaming the both of them plopped down onto the bed, exhausted. "Is your leg okay?" Jungkook asked, getting a hum from Jimin. The fun and adrenaline had made him forget about his painful leg, he might end up regretting the pillow fight later though.

"You're not going to study anymore are you?" Jungkook turned to his side, looking at Jimin who was starting up at the ceiling. "Nope." The smile could be heard in his voice, making Jimin's head turn. "You're cute." Jimin snickered, booping Jungkook's nose. "Hey." Jungkook pouted. "I'm very manly."

"You can be cute and manly, Kookie." Jimin rolled to his side as well, propping his hand under his head. Jungkook softly smiled before looking Jimin over. "You're cute and manly too."

"Wow, thanks for the sudden compliment." Sarcasm was laced through Jimin's voice. Jungkook is sweet but he's like a parrot when it comes to compliments. He just repeats the exact same thing the other said just worded differently. Sometimes he didn't even bother to do that.

The two stared into each other's eyes. Jungkook occasionally casting quick glances at Jimin's lips. Jimin knew exactly what was going through Jungkook's brain. It goes through everyone's brain once their eyes lay on Jimin's pillowy lips. It has happened so often that Jimin recognizes the look almost instantly.

The vampire leaned in a bit, Jimin not backing away to let him know it's okay. He pecked Jimin's lips, the touch was brief but it shot a spark through the both of them. "Sorry, I was curious how they'd feel."

"I get that a lot." Jimin laughed before cupping Jungkook's face. "You can actually touch though, cute vampire privilege and all. Jungkook snickered softly. "Wow, I'm honored." He teased, Jimin taking him up on it. "You should be."
Jimin pulled Jungkook's face closer to his own. It wasn't every day a cute vampire was willing to kiss you. "Want to touch them again?" Jungkook gulped, looking Jimin in the eyes. His eyes displayed both invitation and challenge. The young vampire planted his lips on Jimin's again, this time he pulled the man in. This wasn't a simple curious peck, this was a kiss.

The sound of the door creaking open made them pull away. "Jin-"

"What.. What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked, his cheeks blushing pink from getting caught. "Uhm... You- You said you needed help with your homework.. I'm free now.."

"Oh- Jimin already helped me. Sorry for bothering you." Jungkook bit his lip. Okay so maybe now he noticed the change in Seokjin's behavior. He wasn't usually this quiet around Jungkook and he definitely didn't stutter. The man can rant like a maniac, if there's someone that won't stumble over their words it would be Seokjin. "Oh okay. That's.... That's good. I'll- I'll go now, have fun you two." Before Jungkook or Jimin could get a word in, Seokjin had already closed the door behind him.

"Of course." Seokin mumbled under his breath. "Of, fucking, course." 


"What- happened here?" Taehyung came walking into the kitchen. Empty bottles and filthy dishes were scattered all across the room, in the midst of the chaos, sat Seokjin. The vampire's hair was tousled, leftovers from certain foods at the corners of his lips.

"You good?"

"Perfect." Seokjin answered blankly, not an emotion being spotted.

"M'kay. I'mma just.... Grab some plasma for Yoongi- He is awake you know?"

"I'm aware."

"Okay, bye." Taehyung quickly grabbed a plasma pack from the fridge and dashed away, almost bumping into Hoseok.

The vampire set foot in the kitchen, looking over at Seokjin. "Oh lord, the last time I saw you like this was when Yoongi beat you in Mario kart. What happened?"


Hoseok shoved some plates and bottles out of the way and took a seat in front of Seokjin. "Tell me." Seokjin sighed before taking another swig from the wine bottle. Hoseok reached out and carefully removed the alcohol from Seokjin's hold.

"I was too late."


"...Love." Hoseok stood up from his chair and made his way to his friend. He wrapped his arms around the drunk and sad vampire. "Well, maybe it wasn't meant to be then, if it were it would have worked out, right?" Seokjin pulled away from the hug with a pout. "Not helping, Hobi."

"I'm bad at this, I'll get Jungkookie, he is amazing at cheering you up." Hoseok stood up but Seokjin grabbed him by his wrist. "Don't!" Hoseok looked weirded out before he freed his wrist from Seokjin's grip.

"Okay.... I guess I'll get Yoongi then." Hoseok slowly walked away, looking back at Seokjin a few times.

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