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Seokjin was panicking, he promised Yoongi's parents to protect him with his life, but currently he was not living up to that promise. He was sprinting around, trying to catch a glimpse of Yoongi or even Seonghwa.

"Seokjin!" Namjoon yelled, pointing to a spot nearby him. Seokjin ran over, Yoongi? Was it Yoongi? Please let it be Yoongi. 

When he arrived he saw someone he'd rather not see. Sitting there, on a rock, was an injured Seonghwa. "Where is Yoongi?" Seokjin growled, his purple eyes shining fiercely in the dark.

A nasty smirk sprawled across Seonghwa's face. "Dead." 

Seokjin grabbed Seonghwa by his collar, getting all up in his face. "WHERE. IS. YOONGI." He screamed, Seokjin wasn't messing around. At this point, the rest had gathered around them, trying to hear the information about Yoongi, well except for Taehyung, he was too stubborn and just kept looking.

"As I said, dead."

"Dead isn't a location, dumbass." Namjoon commented, earning a slap against his head from Hoseok. "Not the time." Hoseok hissed.

Jimin was on Jungkook's back, his injury didn't allow him to walk. Mingi had really injured his leg, he just hoped it would get better.

"Tell me where he is Park Seonghwa, don't make me repeat myself."

"I will never tell, you killed the only family I had left." Seonghwa spat, his blue eyes glowing in the dark.

"I'm pretty sure most of them, if not all, are still alive." Namjoon yet again, blurted out. Hoseok put a hand on top of Namjoon's mouth. "Shut up." He whispered.

Seonghwa's eyes widened, he spun himself out of Seokjin's grip and ran back to where once the battlefield was at. 

Seokjin sighed and let himself fall onto the floor, leaning against the rock. "I failed, I failed so badly."

Jimin hopped off Jungkook's back and over towards Seokjin. "It will be okay, we will find him." He put a reassuring hand on Seokjin's shoulder. Seokjin breathed out and stood back up, shooting a thankful look towards Jimin. "You are right, we will find him, those vampires won't mess with us anymore so we have enough time to search for him." Seokjin ruffled Jimin's hair before walking back further into the forest, on his quest to find Yoongi.


Taehyung had taken the higher ground, climbing into a tall tree to overlook the forest, to his surprise he saw a bright red gleaming light. It was either Yoongi or something that must've belonged to him. In any case it would put him on the right track.

He studied his path towards it before climbing down and sprinting. Let it be him, let it be him. Taehyung would never be able to forgive himself if Yoongi got killed because of his dumb decisions.

Despite Taehyung wanting to kill the man himself just a few days ago, this has made him realize that he isn't made to be a murderer. He can't just strip someone from their life out of revenge, that's wrong. He's better than this. This is not what his father would've wanted.

The nerves were eating at Taehyung the whole entire time he tried to navigate himself through the forest. He shoved some branches out of the way and there he was, Yoongi was laying on the ground, alive.

"Oh thank God, you are alive." Taehyung kneeled down next to him.. "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah." Yoongi slightly nodded before wincing from the pain. Taehyung examined the wounds on Yoongi's body. "You don't look okay." Taehyung looked at Yoongi with saddened eyes, he doesn't deserve this. "I'll be alright." Yoongi reassured, pushing down on his wound.

Taehyung unwrapped his bandana before tying it tightly around Yoongi's injured arm. "I didn't know vampires could bleed. You said your heart doesn't beat."

"Guess I lied." Yoongi slightly chuckled before yet again wincing from the pain. Taehyung looked up after he secured the bandana around the vampire's arm, noticing that Yoongi had been staring at him the whole time.

"Is there something on my face?" Taehyung questioned, wiping away on his face. Must be some blood right? He did go psycho mode with his knife. Yoongi smiled and grabbed Taehyung's arm to bring it away from his face. "No, I just noticed how pretty you are without that bandana." Taehyung's cheeks dusted pink, the shy boy breaking eye contact. It was very strange to hear Yoongi compliment him.

"I- thank you."

Yoongi reached out and touched Taehyung's red hair. "Pretty." He mumbled, sounding like a little child. "...You have a concussion don't you?"

"Pff.. Nooooo-" and with that he passed out. Taehyung sighed, looking around to see if the group was anywhere near, they weren't. With some more silent complaints he picked Yoongi up, the vampire being surprisingly easy to lift.

After he managed to get out of the more condensed part of the forest he spotted the group not too far away. "I found him!" Taehyung called out, immediately seeing Seokjin whipping around.

"I have never been so relieved in my life." Seokjin ran over towards Taehyung who was still holding Yoongi. "Taehyung, thank you so much." Seokjin was forever grateful, it could clearly be heard in his voice.

"Okay, let's just go home now before they decide to come back anyway." Hoseok said, pulling Namjoon with him. Taehyung looked over at the group, they were all exhausted. Namjoon's feet were dragging harshly against the pavement. Jimin was half asleep on Jungkook's back, barely holding on. Yoongi was still K.O in his arms and Seokjin looked like he went through his third midlife crisis.

He just wanted to go back to their home.


The Min's mansion strangely felt like home. It was probably not the building itself. It was the people.

Taehyung was home.

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