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"Just put your damn hand on my face." Seokjin jumped, his hand landing on top of Jimin's face.... Just in a very harsh manner. "OHW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" Jimin shot up from the bed, clutching his cheek in pain. "YOU SCARED ME!" Jimin's eyes burned holes into Seokjin's skull. "You just ruined a moment that could've been very cute Kim Seokjin!"

"What moment!? I was just.... Just checking if you were still alive!" Jimin's eyebrows raised up in disbelief. "Right, that's why you were hovering above my face instead of my neck or wrist." 

"Shut up." Seokjin muttered, his ears turning bright red. Jimin sighed, putting his hand on top of Seokjin's. "Hey, I get it. I am hot and single, you are hot and single, we need to mingle."

"Absolutely not." Seokjin retracted his hand from Jimin's grip. The younger man put his pouty lips to use in a perfect combination with sad puppy dog eyes. "Why can't you just give me a chance?

"I- I- just can't." Seokjin stuttered, his finger anxiously tapping against the bed. Worried, Jimin put a hand on Seokjin's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. Sure Seokjin isn't the most outspoken individual but the way he was shaking is very out of character for him. Seokjin brushed Jimin's hand off his shoulder. The vampire jumped to his feet before blasting out of the room.

Not today.


"Jungkookie." Jungkook looked up from his homework, Jimin poked his head inside of his room. "Hm?" He hummed in response.

"Do you perhaps know what's up with Jin?"

"I can't say that I noticed a change in him Min." Jungkook answered, a wave of disappointment coursing through Jimin's body. How come Seokjin was acting weird with him only? Does Jimin make him uncomfortable?

He wouldn't have tried to touch him if that was the case.... Would he?

"Are you sure? Is there something in his past that recently got recalled or something?" Jimin tried but Jungkook just shot him a blank look before shrugging. "Seokjin doesn't talk about the past, he says he prefers to live in the moment."

"So you know nothing?" Jimin plopped down on top of Jungkook's bed. "I know as much about his past as you do." Jimin sighed, resting his chin on Jungkook's shoulder. "If there is someone that knows him, it would be Yoongi. Ask him."

"That man scares me." Jungkook softly chuckled. "He scares everyone, but trust me when I say he has a soft side."

"The world will end before he shows me his soft side." Jimin sighed in defeat, Yoongi might look hot as fuck, his personality is the complete opposite, cold as ice. Jimin brushed the subject away, it's not like he would actually step up to Yoongi about it.

"Need help with your homework?" Jungkook looked up from his papers, casting a glance at Jimin. "You studied history?"

Jimin softly snorted. "No, I was too broke to study. I made exploration videos on YouTube for a living. However, I did look into vampires quite a bit and with vampires comes history. Jungkook pushed his book towards Jimin who scanned over it. "The renaissance! I love that era! Especially the fashion!" Jungkook looked over at Jimin who was looking in awe at a painting in his book. "Look at this blazer, I would get on my knees for someone with this blazer." Jimin pointed at it. Jungkook raised his brow, Yoongi had that blazer.

"So why do you like the renaissance aside from fashion?"

"I like learning about the dark history of things, which is 10 times more interesting."

"Oh come on, how dark could it have been?"

"Jungkook they practiced overseas slavery around this time." Jungkook's mouth fell open. "I digress in that case." Jimin softly giggled before rubbing his hands together.
"Let's get started."


"You better wake up, you know." Seokjin stood with crossed arms at the side of Yoongi's bed. The vampire laid unresponsive in the bed despite his situation being great. Yoongi had taken quite a hit in the fight but it wasn't something a vampire wouldn't quickly recover from. Vampires are fast healers to begin with.

"Fine, I will just give Jungkook all the lamb skewers." Seokjin turned on his heel when a pillow hit the door shut in front of him. "I fucking knew you were awake Min Yoongi." Seokjin grumbled, marching over to the man that was still pretending to be asleep despite just having thrown a pillow with accuracy. "Skewers." Seokjin sighed, one of Yoongi's eyes peeking open. "What do you want? Let me sleep in peace." Seokjin plopped down on the chair next to Yoongi's bed, shooting him a serious look. 

"I have a feeling this isn't about the lamb skewers." Seokjin held his head in his hands. "Yoongi, what should I do?"

"...Are we seriously talking about HIM again? Seokjin, it has been 200 years, let it go."

"Can we watch Frozen?" Yoongi shot Seokjin an annoyed look. "You woke me up from my sleep for my advice and now you're changing the subject?" Seokjin leaned back in the chair, crossing his legs.

"I didn't like your answer."

"Seokjin, time isn't on your side here, despite you being immortal some of the people around you are not a permanent addition to your life. You've made the mistake of misjudging time before and now 200 years later you still regret it."

"Okay I did not ask you to rub my sob story in my face like that." Yoongi sat up on his bed, clutching Seokjin's hands in his own. "I don't know why you keep bringing him up lately, but whatever you decide to do. Do it fast."

"...But I don't know what I want to do."

"Seokjin, what's the reason why you keep bringing up Dongh-"

"We do not utter that name." Seokjin's eyes had a warning look in them, shot directly at Yoongi. "Why do you keep bringing up your late boyfriend?"

"...I think I might like a mortal again." Yoongi grunted, letting go of Seokjin's hands and plopping back onto his mattress. "End me now, take that dagger that's installed on my wall and stab me."

"Seokjin, you and mortals are a horrible combination. You are horrible at losing the ones you love."

"Do you think I chose this? I would give everything to just never fall in love again."

"Seokjin. I tell you this as a friend. Either act quick, or drop it forever. I'm taking a hard guess that for some weird reason you started liking Jimin... Jimin isn't here forever, but he's still young. Do something now before you only have a very limited amount of time left." Seokjin sighed. "You're right, why are you always right?"

"Because I have a brain, unlike everyone else in this household." Seokjin gasped, being offended. "You can forget the Lamb skewers.."

"I have plasma packs in my room anyway." Yoongi put up a mocking face, Seokjin mimicking it. "Goodbye." Seokjin walked out of the room dramatically, smashing the door shut for an added effect.

"Now to find him."

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