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"Poor Jungkook." Jimin said, looking out the window to see Jungkook aimlessly throwing rocks into the forest. "Stop getting attached to them Jimin, we're here to kill them."

"They saved your ass and you are still planning on killing them?" Jimin squinted his eyes at Taehyung who just shrugged. "Jimin, think about your brother, how would he feel about you sympathizing for the kind that killed him." Jimin pouted, looking out of the window. "I guess you're right. Alright, what can I do?"

"Wrap them around your fingers Jimin, without falling yourself." Taehyung held onto Jimin's shoulders who reluctantly agreed to the plan. "Should we tell Joon?"

"He's already in." Taehyung smiled cheekily. Those stupid vampires will fall for their charms to the point they let their guard down, that's when they'll strike.


"Jungkook." Jimin called out, Jungkook looking over his shoulder to him. "How are you doing?" Jimin said before plopping down onto the garden bench next to him. "I'm fine." He said, flashing a sad smile at Jimin.

All Jimin wanted to do was wrap that poor baby into his arms and comfort him, but he had to stick to the plan. They need to get their trust.

Oh, what can a little hug hurt-

Jimin wrapped his arm around Jungkook, propping his head on his shoulder. "Yoongi doesn't know what a strong soldier he's missing. I see the potential in you Kook, you can be the best." 

"Do you really think so?" Jungkook's eyes twinkled, his mouth in a little pout. "Of course! You fought off that bad guy on your own didn't you?" 

"Yeah… Yeah I did!" Jungkook straightened up. "Thank you Jimin. It's nice having friends of around my age for once. You truly get me." He said before pulling Jimin in a tight hug.

Jimin mentally cursed while patting Jungkook's back. How in the hell could he betray such a literal angel.


It was pretty clear that Namjoon had leached himself to Hoseok and that Jimin was going for Seokjin and Jungkook. That left Taehyung with the toughest nut to crack, Min Yoongi.

Fortunately for Taehyung, everyone he ever wanted had fallen for his charms. It won't take long until that dumb vampire leader is also wrapped around his finger.

Taehyung stopped in front of the office door, sucked in a deep breath and slowly knocked on the door. "Come in." Was heard from the inside. Taehyung mentally prepared himself before slowly entering the familiar room, where Yoongi's desk stood proudly in the middle of it all.

"Is there something wrong?" Yoongi had looked up from his papers, Taehyung realised that everytime he would enter this room, Yoongi was busy with papers. What would he be doing with all those papers? He's a damn vampire in the middle of the forest, he could just be a tax evader.
"Taehyung?" Yoongi spoke up again. "Oh, eh, you know, considering we will be here for a long time I thought that maybe- of course if you want to, but like-"

"Get to the point." Yoongi stacked up his papers, putting them away in a drawer.

"I would like to get to know you better." Taehyung stated, trying to look confident yet he was about to faint any second. Perhaps looking that man in the eyes isn't the smartest thing to do.

Yoongi on the other hand looked rather unamused by Taehyung's suggestion. "Why?"

"Because Namjoon and Jimin already claimed the other three and now I'm lonely." Yoongi let out a dry laugh. "Fair enough. Okay, sit down." Taehyung took a seat on the chair next to Yoongi's desk. "What are those papers you were working on?" 

Yoongi took a quick glance at the drawer he put said papers in. "Everything and nothing."

"Hey I get it, you're trying to be the cool mysterious vampire but deep down you are just a cutie, I bet those are love letters." Yoongi leaned back in his chair with an amused grin. "Love letters you say?"

"Yup, you are a sucker for love, I can just tell by your eyes." Taehyung leaned forward, planting his hands on top of the desk. Yoongi folded his arms, the amused grin still plastered across his face. "Oh? Do tell me more." Taehyung was about to open his mouth for a flirty clapback.

However, at that moment the door swung open and Seokjin ran in. "That little demon is chasing me!" Seokjin hid behind Yoongi, failing miserably because of his broad shoulders. Jimin entered the room shortly after, spotting the man's shoulders. "Come back here coward! I just want to get to know you!" He sprinted towards Seokjin, Seokjin letting out a high pitched scream before lifting up the chair Yoongi was in, using him as a shield. "Seriously?" Yoongi sighed, pinching his nose bridge.

Jimin kept stepping closer to the tall man. "Jimin, out, go bother Jungkook." Yoongi ordered, his eyes slightly glowing red. "E-eh, okay." Jimin's smirk fell before he scurried away, guess he had to go back to Jungkook instead.

"Why are you shoving my problems on Kookie?" Seokjin asked, Jungkook didn't deserve to get hunted down by that man.

"Jungkook is at school, there is no way Jimin will be able to bother him." At that moment Seokjin's eyes widened and he dropped Yoongi onto the floor. "I was supposed to pick him up." Seokjin grabbed a set of keys out of Yoongi's desk before sprinting off yet again.

Yoongi was still sitting on the floor shooting daggers at Seokjin. Taehyung reached over offering his hand to Yoongi. "Need a hand?" He asked, a playful grin on his face.

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