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Taehyung sat on the couch, scrolling through the comments left under his video. Most positive, some downright nasty. It was to be expected, but it took every bit of might for Taehyung not to lash out towards the people that were talking shit about Yoongi.

His eyebrows furrowed in frustration, he was about to type up a storm when his phone got snatched away. "Hey!" His eyes shot up at the culprit, immediately calming back down. Yoongi laid the phone screen down on the saloon table. "Don't let them get to you." 

"I'm not-" Taehyung tried defending himself but Yoongi's eyebrow shot up skeptically. "Okay fine, it is getting to me. But, they're saying bad things about you!"

"I don't have social media or a good reputation, Taehyung, I couldn't care less." The vampire ruffled Taehyung's curls, making the man pout. "I care."

"You don't have to. Take a step back from social media, it will do you good." Taehyung sighed, he was right, like always. Social media wasn't a happy place to interact with his fans anymore, it was filled with negativity and unnecessary drama. "You're right, I'll stop checking it."

"Good, 'cause I've seen you checking the comments on that video everyday for the past 2 weeks now. It was time for you to stop." ...He didn't know Yoongi saw him checking that video so often. "It's a cute video!"

"You're looking at the comments, not the video." Damn, called out again. "Fine, fine, I'll stop."


"Didn't you tell him you would stop?" Jimin asked, propping his chin on his best friend's shoulder. "What he doesn't know, doesn't hurt." Jimin lowly hummed before speaking up. "Knowing Yoongi, he does know."

"Shouldn't you be giving your two boyfriends attention?" Defense mode, nice. "Ooohh, who stepped on your toes? Oh right, me. Anyway, no, my boyfriends are enjoying their alone time. Ugh, dating two introverts is so exhausting." Jimin dramatically sighed, flopping down on top of Taehyung.

"So both of them decided to have alone time at the same time? Are you sure they're not just together?" Jimin held onto his heart. "You're trying to wound me my friend, how mean of you." Taehyung rolled his eyes before pushing Jimin's body off him. "Alright, prove they're not just hanging out without you."

Jimin clicked his tongue before dragging Taehyung along to Seokjin's room. With a brief knock he threw the door open, the vampire looking up from his book. "Is Jungkook here?"

"No?" Jimin turned to face Taehyung, smacking his arm harshly. "I fucking told you." Taehyung rubbed his arm with a pout, he wanted to get under Jimin's skin and failed miserably.

"Alright, well, enjoy your book!" Jimin blew Seokjin a kiss before closing the door again. 

"Grump." Jimin remarked, turning back to Taehyung. 


Hoseok plopped down a book in front of Namjoon's face. With a raised brow he looked up at his boyfriend. "What's this?"

"A book."

Namjoon rolled his eyes before looking at said book. "Frogs?"

"You always try to catch them when we go hiking, thought you might want to know more about them."

"You're trying to prevent me from picking up a venomous one, huh?"


"There are no venomous ones around here, Hobi." Hoseok shrugged, sitting down next to his lover. "You don't know that for certain until you've read that book." He tapped his finger on the hard cover, an innocent smile on his face. "Alright, alright, I'll read it if it makes you happy."

Hoseok smiled and nodded, putting his head on Namjoon's shoulder. "You're not leaving until I start reading?"


Killer King | TaegiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora