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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope 2022 will bring you a beautiful and healthy year!


"I'm sorry." Yoongi looked up from his cup of coffee, confused. The two were currently sitting in the lounge area, drinking hot beverages to warm up from the cold winter weather. Taehyung's hands were freezing but the heat radiating from the mug with hot chocolate managed to kind of make it bearable. "Sorry about what?" 

"That I left." Yoongi sighed before taking one more sip of his coffee and speaking up. "That was years ago, let's focus on the present."

"I know." Taehyung whined. "But recently, it has kept bugging me about how quickly we dropped all of you. We didn't give you an opportunity to explain and well, we missed out on years of growth, years of relationships because of that."

"Taehyung, you heard some horrible news that day. All of you did, we understood why all of you left." Taehyung pouted, Yoongi was being too nice about it.

Yeah what the killer vampires do is messed up, but it's survival of the fittest, kill or be killed. Taehyung also feels guilty blaming Yoongi for all of it knowing what he knows now, his father forced them. Yoongi wasn't in a position to stop it and the second he was, he stopped it. The vampire has proved himself to be a mature and kindhearted man, but the second the past was unveiled the sorrow took over. "Hey, stop moping around, let's talk about your music. You like it, huh?" 

Taehyung had a shy smile playing on his face before nodding. "It's been an amazing journey being able to explore myself through music."

"I can imagine." Yoongi said, staring at Taehyung with a certain fondness. "It also allowed me to travel the world, I recently finished my European leg of my world tour."

"Got any left of the tour?"

"Nope! Time for new music and a new era. If you don't watch out you might turn out to be my muse." 

"I'd be honored." Yoongi smiled but Taehyung's face turned serious. "You shouldn't, I can pull a total Taylor Swift on your ass, and it will be iconic I tell you, iconic."

"A Taylor Swift?"

"Nope, nope, you can not convince me that Jungkook has never blasted a Taylor Swift song before. You know damn well who she is." Yoongi rolled his eyes and finished his coffee. "He might've, but do you seriously think I would show interest and ask who the artist is?"

"You got me there… Anyway, pulling a Taylor Swift basically means writing a song roasting the shit outta you once you break my heart." The curly haired man put on an innocent smile but the vampire wasn't impressed. "Not planning on doing that, but go ahead."

"I have a better idea, let's go ice skating."

"We literally just warmed back up from Seokjin forcing us to snowshovel the garden." Yoongi whined, he really didn't want to brace that weather again. "Oh come on, the weather is rarely ever cold enough to freeze the lake near Raefield. We have to grab this opportunity… Pretty please?" Taehyung poked his cheek and put on a cute smile.

"Ugh, fine. But just so you know, Jimin's flirting technique still doesn't work."


"Are you bad at anything?" Taehyung said before stumbling over on his skates again. Yoongi on the other hand was skating right next to him, not a care in the world. "Gaming." He simply stated before turning to face Taehyung. "Let me help you." He extended his hands towards Taehyung, the man gladly accepting them. Yoongi skated backwards while slowly guiding Taehyung over the ice. The younger man got all giddy now that he finally wasn't face planting into the ice anymore.

"I'm doing it!" Taehyung exclaimed, a bright smile spreading across his face. Taehyung stumbled, quickly lacing his arms around Yoongi's neck, the vampire putting his hands on Taehyung's waist to steady him. A little squeal could be heard from their right before the familiar sound of a camera shutter followed.

Taehyung frowned and momentarily closed his eyes. "Shit, I forgot that could happen now. I'm sorry Yoongi." He opened his eyes again to meet Yoongi's warm brown ones. "It's not your fault, don't be sorry."

"Alright, but don't complain when my fandom comes after your ass."

"Oh what, you have an army?"

"Yes and they're called winter bears, thank you very much." 

"...You mean a polar bear?" Yoongi remarked, earning a click of annoyance from Taehyung's tongue. "WINTER bear."

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