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Taehyung silently sat down in front of Yoongi, squeezing Seokjin into the corner. Seokjin shot a look towards Jungkook who just started cackling like an idiot. Seokjin was trapped and Jungkook wasn't going to do anything about it.

"I apologize for everything. For leaving, for hurting you, for not understanding, for being a hypocrite. I'm sorry Yoongi." Yoongi shot a quick look at Seokjin who just shrugged. A small smile made it's way on Yoongi's face before he nodded. "Apology accepted. All of you are welcome back if you want to."

Namjoon looked over Hoseok's head. "Wait really?"

"My eyes are down here." Hoseok grumbled, averting Namjoon's eyes back down to meet Hoseok's. "Yes really." Yoongi said, making Namjoon bounce from happiness. "Hobi, I knew waiting for you was the best decision of my life!" Taehyung turned back to look at Jimin who was judging Namjoon just as hard as him.

"Okay, so I can assume that Namjoon is going... What about you?" Yoongi looked at Taehyung with hopeful eyes. 

"I'll gladly come with you." Taehyung put his hand on top of Yoongi's hand. "Great, now that it is settled, can you please let me out- he is ignoring me." Seokjin complained, shooting Jungkook yet another desperate look, the young vampire just twiddling his fingers with a teasing smile. 'I hate you' Seokjin mouthed. 'No you don't' Jungkook mouthed back.

Jungkook turned to Jimin. "Are you coming with us as well?"

"Uhm... I don't know. I have to earn money for my family. I can't drop them like this." Jungkook pouted before he nodded. "I understand. I'm sure I can convince Yoongi to let you live at our place and let you go to work though."

"Are you sure?" Jimin's eyes twinkled, he'd gladly come with. Jungkook skipped over towards Yoongi, putting up his puppy dog eyes. "Can Jimin keep working here while he lives with us?" Yoongi looked at Jungkook with a weird expression. "No."

The young vampire grabbed a hold of Yoongi's arm and started pouting. "Pleeeasssseee? Pretty please with a cherry on top?" Yoongi looked between Jungkook and Jimin before sighing. "Fine, but don't abuse that power." Jungkook happily jumped up, running into Jimin's open arms. "Yes! The whole group is back together!"


A week after their reunion is when all the boys moved in, all getting their own respective rooms this time around.

"Feels good to be back." Namjoon said, placing the last box down on the floor. "Feels good to have you back." Hoseok smiled, standing on his tiptoes to peck Namjoon's cheek. Jimin made a fake barfing noise before following Jungkook out to the garden.

The young vampire sat outside on one of the benches, Jimin plopping down next to him. "Sooo... Are you glad we're back?" Jimin asked, earning a smile from him. "Of course, I finally had friends around my age." 

"Well, let's be honest Kook, we were more than friends." Jimin grabbing Jungkook's hand, who retracted it just as quickly. "I have been meaning to tell you this."

"That you like me?" Jimin giggled, bumping his shoulder against Jungkook. "I DO like you... As a friend..." Jimin raised his brows up. "What?"

"I'm with someone else at the moment and he... He makes me really happy."

"Oh... Well, I'm happy for you." Jimin put on a smile, he can't be jealous about this. He himself had gone on dates to move on, Jungkook had just been more successful. "We can be friends, right?" The young vampire seemed unsure while asking, but Jimin reassured him. "Of course. Now. Who is the lucky guy and when will I meet him?"

"You.. Already have."

"...Is it an old friend of mine?" Jungkook sucked in a breath. "Kind of, yes. It's Seokjin." Jimin's eyebrows shot up once again. "Oh... Oh wow, yup, I sure do know him. Sooo... How did that happen?" Jungkook shrugged his shoulders. "It just, kind of did. After you left we started spending more time together again and well.. Now we're here."

Jimin clicked his tongue, pinching Jungkook's shoulder. "I am SO incredibly happy for you two." 

"Thank you Minnie." Jungkook smiled, he was glad his friend understood.


Y'all want a Q&A for this book? You can ask me and the characters questions :)

We don't have much of the book left hence why I bring it up.

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