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"How dare you!" Jimin aggressively pushed Seokjin away. The citizens of their village snooped around, trying to figure out what the hell was happening.

"I was following orders..." Seokjin reached out for his friend.

"I don't care!" Jimin hit his fists against Seokjin's chest. "That was my little brother." Jimin looked down, his voice cracking. "My sweet little brother." He mumbled, tears falling down his face. "If it wasn't him, it would've been me. You were out to kill ME." 

"Jimin, I wasn't out for you-" 

"Bullshit! You're saying this so I will forgive you!" Seokjin's arms went limp, accepting his defeat. The blonde turned his back to the vampires, running back to his mother's loving arms.

"Jimin..." Jungkook's small voice called out, Jimin looked up from the floor and towards Jungkook, tears still streaming down his face. Jungkook reached out for Jimin's soft hands."What about us?"

Jimin looked away. "Maybe in another life Jungkook. But right now, I can't-" Jimin let go of him, holding himself instead.

Both Jimin and Taehyung left the scene with their mothers, Namjoon looked at the walking figures of his friends, seeing them disappear slowly.

"I have to go." Namjoon said, making eye contact with Hoseok. "I understand Joonie."

"Our paths will cross again, one day. I'm sure." Hoseok silently sniffled, wiping away the stray tear. "This is harder than expected." Namjoon confessed, Hoseok agreeing. He didn't expect to fall for a human that hard.

Namjoon rubbed his thumb over Hoseok's hand. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." They let go of each other's hands, sparing one last glance. "Goodbye Hobi."

"Goodbye Joonie."

And with that, Namjoon and Hoseok split ways. 

Namjoon went back to his parents to explain the situation. His parents admitted to being quite relieved. I mean, it's not every day that you find out your son is in love with a murderer.

Hoseok joined the rest of the group in their journey back home, Jungkook a crying mess, getting comforted by Seokjin who was secretly also shedding a few tears. 

Yoongi however, not one tear, not one word. He just walked out in front, and Hoseok caught up to him.

"So how are you feeling?"

"Just great Hoseok." Yoongi spat, after finally finding someone his father could no longer disapprove of, this happened. "Let's just consider them as happy memories. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. We were never a good combination with humans."

"Yeah, that should be good. Now... How are you? You had to let go of a serious relationship."

Hoseok rubbed the back of his neck. "It is tough, but I'm sure we'll find each other again." Yoongi nodded, giving Hoseok a pat on the shoulder. 

"I sure hope so." He said, entering the mansion.

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