Chapter 65: Dinner table

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Louis sat at the dinner table, his mother and father in the other two chairs around him. The two adults hands rested on the table, fingers intertwined as they wore similar grins. Louis felt awkward, being around both of his parents. He wasn't used to it, the whole situation was uncomfortable. Louis held his phone in his lap, just wanting to leave and call Clementine, call anyone really.

"So... Louis, we need to talk to you about something." His mother whispered softly, her free hand rubbing the back of her neck. The man next to her squeezed her hand reassuringly, flashing a smile before returning his attention back to Louis.

The teen boy furrowed his brows at them, watching their affectionate behavior. It disgusted him. The woman that left him, left them. The things she had said before abandoning them was awful, it hurt.

"Your mother, she's moving in again." The man said quietly, pure joy written on his face. Louis stared in shock at the two, his eyes widened as his blood ran cold.

"What the fuck?" He snapped, making the pair look at him suddenly. "You're letting her move back in? After all the fucked up shit she's said?" He hissed, standing up now.

His father pulled away from the woman's grasp, he stood up now, in front of Louis. Almost towering over the boy as he whispered. "Louis calm down."

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down! She left us, she hurt us." He shouted, hands balled into fists. The man ahead of him scoffed, walking forward slowly as his eyes narrowed.

"I've stood up for you countless of times, but now you've taken things too far. Don't forget what you did to us." He snarled, his dark brown eyes seemed more intimidating now. Louis hadn't seen his father like this ever.

"I was a kid, you don't say the things she did to your child." Louis whispered, looking down now. His mother stood beside him, holding onto his hand gently as she sighed.

"What I did was horrible, I know. Lou I'm so sorry, but believe me I've changed." She whispered. Her brown eyes seemed soft, kind. He pulled away quickly, grabbing his phone and coat as he walked towards the front door.

"I'm going on a walk, I'll be home later."

"Louis!" His father shouted, watching as his son walked out the door. Before he could follow him, a small hand grabbed his sleeve.

"Let him cool down, he'll be home soon." She said quietly, holding onto him as she sighed. The man only nodded, letting out a huff as he stared down.

"She hasn't changed at all! It's so fucking obvious, mad dads too blind to see that he's being manipulated." Louis growled, taking another drink of the vodka he found in Marlons fridge. The blonde boy nodded, cautiously reaching over and grabbing the bottle.

"You've had enough, you can barely keep your eyes open-"

"I'm fine!" Louis shouted, grabbing it back and taking another sip.

Marlon shook his head, grabbing his phone as he scratched his head. "Right, I'm calling Clem."

"Don't involve her." The dread head hissed. "She can't see me like this." He whimpered, covering his head with his hands. His body sprawled on the couch as he hummed softly, eyes closed with a small smile.

"What's up Marlon?"

"Hey Clem, can you come over? Louis uh, he kinda needs you." He whispered, the dark boy snatched the phone, letting out a sigh as he shook his head.

"Hey babe." He slurred teasingly, Clementine cringed on the other side. Hearing him call her 'babe' so drunkenly. "Everything's fine... don't you worry your gorgeous face." He said quietly, making Clementine grow even more worried.

"Okay, yeah I'm coming over. See you in ten minutes."

"No!" His raspy voice growled, Marlon quickly took the phone from his friends hand and hung up. The blonde boy gathered all the empty soda cans and chip bags, throwing them into the garbage next to the couch. "Where's your mom?" He whispered, laying his head on a pillow.

"Out of town with my dad, they're both on some work trip." He said softly, tossing the dark boy a water bottle. "Drink this."

"No, I'm fine!" He hissed, rubbing his head as he groaned.

"Oh really? So you want Clementine to come over and see you as a drunken mess?"

"No..." Louis whispered, his bottom lip stuck out in a pout.

The blonde rubbed his head, sitting next to his best friend as his head laid back. He stared at the tv, Louis had put on Family Guy, even though he didn't actually bother to watch it. The room surrounding them was dark, it was 10:30 at night when Louis had come over. He been over for about an hour now, it was basically pitch black outside, aside from the few stars and street lights. Louis let out a groan, moving his body as he stretched out his arms, almost kicking Marlons head.

The blonde let out a groan, gently pushing the taller boys legs off his lap as he sighed. "Clem will be here any minute, can you please just drink some water?" He asked, watching as Louis only shook his head.

"I didn't even want her to come here, I came to you. She'll look at me differently now." He said quietly, staring up at the white ceiling. "This is all your fault." Before Marlon could say anything, the doorbell rang. Marlon walked towards the door and opened it, revealing the amber eyed brunette he had called.

"Where is he?" She asked sternly, watching as the blonde pointed towards the couch. There laid Louis, his body raised as he heard her soft voice. A tint of blush appeared on his cheeks as he quickly looked away, and back at the tv.

"He's embarrassed." Marlon whispered, shutting the door as she walked inside. Clementines brows furrowed as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"But why?"

The blonde shrugged slightly. "He thinks you'll look at him differently, like he's weak I guess." He said quietly. "I'm going upstairs, to give you guys privacy."

She nodded understandably, walking towards the couch and sitting in front of Louis. Her small hand rested on his shoulder, her soft lips curved into a grin as she gently kissed his head. His body looked tense, he stared into her amber eyes for a moment before he looked at the tv yet again.

"Louis, please talk to me." She whispered, grabbing his large hand in hers. "I love you, a lot. But you have to tell me what's going on."

"My moms coming back home. She left me and my dad years ago, and said some fucked up shit. It's not that big of a deal but the idea of it pisses me off." He growled, admitting to her how he felt. Memories flooded back to his mind. She scooted closer, grabbing his full attention as she held both of his hands.

"How'd you find out?"

Louis scoffed slightly, letting a soft smile peak through as he rolled his eyes. "They sat me at the dinner table all lovey dovey and shit. Then they fucking told me she was coming home! Of course I got pissed so I argued with mad dad for a bit, that was until I left." He ranted proudly, Clementine let out a soft giggle, tilting her head was a grin.

"Won't he be pissed when you get home?" She asked, watching as her boyfriend only shrugged. "Wow." She laughed as he held onto her waist, pulling her body closer to his as he sighed.

"Now this... this is nice." He whispered, resting his chin on top of her head. Her arms gripped his grey shirt tightly, she could feel his warm body heat. The smell of alcohol threw her off slightly.

"Were you drinking?" She asked, pulling away to look at his face. His lips curved into a slight grin as he shrugged. "You're such a dumbass." She teased, rolling her eyes as their lips connected.

"But you love me." He whispered, dozing off to the sound of the tv.

"That I do."

So this is ending soon and Idk how to feel, I'll definitely miss this story lol. But I may be writing a new one if I get enough confidence to post it-

Thanks for reading❤️

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