Chapter 10: regret

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Clementine woke up with a pounding headache, wet tears stayed on her skin as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked at her phone that was full of messages, she let out a groan as she unlocked it. Texting back everyone with a 'I'm fine.' When she reached Louis' contact she inhaled a sharp breath, opening the message. His words were full of regret and worry, she could read the pain in each message he wrote. She let out a soft sigh, replying the same thing to him as she did the others.

She let out a loud groan as she stared outside, the bright white snow filling the ground as only the streets were cleared. She quickly hopped out of bed and into the shower, quickly letting the warmth surround her aching body as she sighed. Once she finished bathing in the warm water she quickly wrapped the towel around her body, wringing the water out of her wet curls. She mentally cursed herself for forgetting clothes, she quickly dashed across the hallway, luckily no one was near to see.

She quickly got dressed and looked at her phone, many relieved text messages were sent to her while she was gone. One message stood out to her the most, one from Louis.

"Thank god! I'm so sorry for being a ass, can we meet at the playground today? I swear I'll make it up to you."

Clementine bit her lip at the text, not sure of what she wanted. She decided she would see him, though she'd be more distant than usual, she wanted to see him.

"What time?"

"Right now?" She bit her lip as a sigh escaped her lips.

"Sure." She quickly got up and ran downstairs, quickly telling her parents she'd be back.

She slowly put in her headphones and walked, letting the cold air bite at her skin as she walked alone. The light crunch of snow under her feet slightly satisfying, the loud music of a car was behind her, making clem turn her phone up slightly louder. She adjusted her headphones as a car suddenly stopped beside her. She quickened her pace as she turned her music louder, her heart racing faster as someone grabbed her arm. She quickly turned around and slapped the culprit, shocked to see Louis cupping his cheek. The headphones fallout of her ears as she scowls.

"Damn girl, you're slapping me like I'm some creep!" He said with a small smirk, she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"You kinda are." She looked at his eyes, they were slightly puffy, his eyes also bloodshot. Louis quickly bit his lip and cleared his throat awkwardly, looking at Marlon who was sitting in the driver seat of the car and awkwardly staring ahead.

"Are you walking?" He asked curiously as he peaked ahead, Clementine shrugged slightly as she looked down.

"That was kinda the point." She said with tight lips, Louis' eyes widen as he looks at her. Clementine stood there awkwardly as he shakes his head.

"It's fucking cold, and the park is like two miles away! Ride with us." He said quietly, Clementine bit her lip as she nodded, following him into the warm car. He stared down awkwardly as they sat in silence, Marlon let out a soft grunt as he looked in the mirror back at the two.

"So, where'd you go last night? I was freezing my ass off just inside." He said with a small laugh, Louis looked down at her with his own curiosity as she sighed.

"Duck found me in the woods, he gave me his jacket and we went out for hot chocolate." She said with a small smile, Louis frowned as he looked away. Still feeling guilty for the day before, Marlon let out a small chuckle as he nodded.

"You have a great friend."

"The best." Louis bit his lip harshly and squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to say anything he'd regret.

~Just a romantic~ clouisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant