Chapter 40: What an asshole

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You might get pissed off, just a warning ;)


Clementine sat on the bathroom floor, her head rested in her hands as she sobbed. What was she going to do? She bought two pregnancy tests, neither of which gave the same answer. She was too stressed out right now. She felt alone, it had been a week since her kiss with Mitch.

Not even these tests could give her the answers she needed. Maybe she should just go home, this whole running away thing wasn't working out. If she was pregnant, she needed all the support she could get. She quickly grabbed the two tests and wrapped them in napkins, Clem rushed down the stairs and threw them in the garbage outside. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

As she walked inside, she was met with Mitch. His arms were crossed as an eyebrow raised.

"What are you doing?" She asked defensively, Mitch only smirked as he rested his arms.

"I should be asking you the same thing." He stated smugly. Clementine rolled her eyes as she was unamused by his teasing.

"I was taking out the trash." She half lied.

The tall boy scoffed as he shook his head.

"You're a terrible liar."

She flicked his nose as she walked passed him. "Guess what tall boy, I'm not lying." She whispered with a smirk.

He grinned as he watched her walk away, she was so confident. It honestly nice to see. Willy stared at the brunette with a smirk as Clem walked away.

"Hey Mitch, stop staring at her ass!" He shouted in a fit of laughter. Mitch's face grew bright red as Clementine stared back with wide eyes.

"William!" The boys mother shouted, he looked up at her with a small smile as he sighed.

"Sorry mom."

Mitch looked over with a smirk as he leaned against the couch.

"Yeah William shut up." He teased, Willy only glared at him as he released a low growl.

"Don't call me that."

As the two continued to bicker, Clementine walked up the stairs. Her short legs scampered up as she held onto the the wall, she hadn't thrown up in a few days. That had to be a good sign. Until she really knew, she wasn't going to take any chances. She didn't want to risk her or the babies safety, though she wasn't sure what she was going to do if she was pregnant.

She didn't want a kid, not now at least, and being a single teenage mother definitely wasn't on her bucket list. If Louis knew, he would be ecstatic. The boy would probably be picking out baby names by now, he always talked about wanting kids together. And getting married. Sadly they weren't getting that now.

Clementine sat on the guest bed, her phone in hand as she furrowed her brows. The girl had went on google and typed 'ways to know you're pregnant.'

1. Your period skips.

The last time she had her period was a few days before Louis' birthday, so she wouldn't know that one for a while.

2. Morning sickness.

She had probably just gotten a stomach bug, Clem hadn't thrown up since a few days ago. She wasn't complaining obviously, it just made this whole thing a lot more confusing. She wished the test had just told her wether or not she was, it would've made everything so much easier. Maybe then she wouldn't have been fussing about it.

They used a condom, when they had that intimate moment. But those could easily rip or have holes. She buried her head into her hands as she sighed. She wished Lee was with her, he definitely wouldn't approve of her actions, what parent would? But he would still help her, he was a good man.

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