Chapter 4: hands, touching hands

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The night was a blur. After finally arriving home Clementine went straight to bed, ignoring any questions her little brother asked. She took a shower and went to bed, the annoying and loud beeping in her ear woke her up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, staring at the clock.

"6:00, great." She whispered as she got up, she quickly gathered a nice outfit and put it on. Many layers were on her which made her feel warm, it felt like someone cuddling her skin, she liked that. She looked at her clock again, it was only 6:30. To kill some time she decided to do her hair and makeup, a natural style of course but nonetheless different.

She looked in the mirror and smiled to herself, she actually liked the way she looked today. Her smile fades as she notices a faint bruise on her arm, she quickly rolled down her sleeve and rushed downstairs.

She ran down the stairs to see Aj. He ate sloppily, almost resembling a pig. She scrunched her nose in disgust as she grabbed her own meal and sat next to him.

"Try not to choke." She said sarcastically, he looked up at her and stuck out his tongue. Clementine rolled her eyes as she started eating.

"Don't choke on your boyfriends tongue!" He shouted as he scarfed down the rest of his meal. Clementine choked on her cereal as she stared at the young boy, Lee popped his head out with a eyebrow raised.

"What boyfriend?" Aj snickered as he stared at his father with a grin.

"I don't have a boyfriend!" She shouted as she walked to her bag, suddenly the door bell rang. Clementine stared up at the door with a eyebrow raised. "I'll get it!"

She walked towards the door and opened it, revealing the tall boy in the same coat. His shirt and pants were different but he still wore his brown jacket. He smiles softly as he leans on the door.

"You ready?" She looked at him with a eyebrow raised.

"How do you know where I live?" He chuckled as he pointed to a house not too far.

"I live near you, don't worry I'm no stalker." He joked, Clementine rolled her eyes as she walked to the corner and grabbed her things. Lee watched her with arms crossed, Aj at his side mimicking his father.

"That the boy?" He asked, Aj hummed in response as he nodded his head. Lee grunted as he walked back into the living room, receiving a kiss on the cheek from his daughter as she rushed out.

"Love you bye." Clementine shouted as she quickly shut the door, no one else stood outside as they walked with each other. Shoulder to shoulder just talking.

"Merry Christmas by the way." He brought up quietly, quickly taking a peak at the beautiful girl at his side. She looked up at him and smiled, squinting her eyes from the bright sun.

"Merry Christmas to you as well." She grinned as she shoved her hands in her pockets, kicking a few rocks as their feet took the same steps. Louis looked around nervously, not knowing how to put what he wanted to ask into words. He didn't want to seem like a creep, they have only known eachother for a day. But he wanted to get to know her better, he let out a breath, the cold air making his breath visible. He took out a piece of paper and handed it to her, she looked down confused as she read.

"Do you wanna go to a holiday party with me, and my friends? They tend to be kinda lame and I don't wanna be too lonely." He let out a shaky laugh as she stared up at him and smiled, shoving the paper into her back pocket.

"I'll have to ask my parents, but if I can I'll try to make it less boring for you." She joked, a wave of relief washed over the boy. He wouldn't be the lonely one on a Friday night in the corner, he could finally have someone to talk to.

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