Chapter 17 mine p2

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⚠️ warning crappy lemon 🍋

The others quickly rushed upstairs, their bodies clashing together as they raced eachother. Clementine beating them all as Louis was in the middle.

"You're all slow!" She teased as she quickly hopped on the bed. Louis quickly followed and tackled her with kisses, the others stared in shock as he quickly pulled away. His face turning red as Marlon shook his head disapprovingly.

"Clementine has a date, you can't do that." Brody said as she shook her head, Louis quickly sat next to her awkwardly.

"Oops?" He said sarcastically, Clementines face felt red as Brody scowled at him.

"Well if she gets a boyfriend that's wrong." Minnie said sternly, Louis let out a sigh as she nodded. Clementine watched as they bickered, she let out a sigh as she sat up.

"I don't have a date, I just said that to get you off my back." Clementine whispered, the group stared at her in shock as she shrugged.

"So you're dating Louis again?" Mitch asked with crossed arms, Clementine only looked away as Louis wrapped a arm around her waist.

"Yes, we can never keep us a secret can we?" He asked with a large grin, Mitch scoffed as he looked out the window. Sophie glared at the two in disgust as she stood up.

"You two idiots can have eachother." Sophie mumbled as she walked downstairs. The others cheered as they sat down next to the couple, Clementines face turned bright red as she nuzzled her head in his neck.

"Do you love her?" Violet asked curiously as she stared at the two, Louis slowly nodded his head.

The others let out a awe as the two smiled widely, Louis clasped Clem's hand tightly as they sat awkwardly. Though they never really liked much attention, they were still happy their relationship was no longer a secret. It never stayed one for very long.


Clementine felt something nudging her body gently, she slowly looked beside her to see Louis. A wide smile was on his face as he held his hand out, Clementine looked down at all of the sleeping bodies.

"I forgot to change." She whispered, he let out a small shrug as he continued.

"You look fine, let's go."

She quickly grabbed his hand, he led the two of them towards the window. He carefully grabbed her, making sure she wouldn't fall off and die. Once they got down he continued to hold her hand tightly, he led her towards the school. A wide smile was on his face as he continued to lead her, her own smile widening as she watches him carefully.

"How are you doing?" He asked with a hint of worry in his voice, as he turned around to face her she shook her head with a smile.

"Perfect." She whispered, the two let out a small laugh as they continued to quickly venture through.

Finally, they reached the school. He slowly opened the gate, the two cringing at the squeakiness of it. Once she walked in he slowly followed, making sure to close the door behind them as he quickly picked her up. She lets out a squeal as she feels his chest, his heart was beating like crazy.

The two let out a laugh as she kissed his jaw, his long dreads tickling her skin slightly. He slowly put her down as she opened the door, staring in awe at what she saw. Oranges on the ground, leading towards the upstairs. Fake candles followed the orange fruit, she let out a small laugh as she looked at him.

"You're such a dork." She whispered with a wide grin.

"Correct, But I'm your dork." He said as he quickly grabbed her hand, the two let out a loud laugh as they walked up the stairs.

~Just a romantic~ clouisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ