Chapter 57: Video games

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"Fuck yes!" Marlon shouted, receiving a hiss from Louis who held Clementine in his arms.

Marlon flashed an apologetic look before staring at the tv screen again. In his hands held an Xbox controller, he was busy playing Mortal Combat with Duck, who was losing terribly. The brunette quickly flipped off the mulleted blonde as he continued to smash random buttons. Visible rage filled him with each move Marlon made.

"How the fuck?" He growled. Duck threw the controller onto the couch with a huff as he rolled his eyes. "I give up, this game is shit."

"Not my fault you play like a little girl." Marlon teased, wearing a smug smile as he stared at the tv.

Louis held a hand out to Duck, a small smirk tugged his lips as he moved his fingers. The dress head was careful not to wake his sleeping girlfriend.

"You both suck, let me show you how it's done."

Without another word, Duck passed the controller to Louis. His face held no emotion as he stared at the tv again. Louis and Marlon would always play Mortal Combat together when they were younger. Louis would ride his bike to Marlons and they'd rush upstairs. Eating junk food until they wanted to throw up. Marlon and Louis were both decently good at the game, making everyone that played with them furious.

As the round started, Louis and Marlon were too concentrated. Their brows were furrowed as low growls rubbles their throats. Louis' upper lip began to rise as Marlon started beating him. The dread head was pretty rusty playing, rage filled him as Marlon won. The words "finish him" were heard.

"Fucking bitch!" He shouted, louder than anyone had so far.

Everyone looked at him in shock, his sudden outburst was unexpected. The dark boys eyes widened at the realization as he quickly looked down, he was greeted by the all too familiar agitated Clementine.

"You're so loud." She hissed, he gave a sheepish grin before kissing the small girls forehead.

"Well hello to you too." He teased, Clementine only rolled her eyes as she sat up from his lap. Her hands brushed through her tangled curls as she yawned, the small girl had been asleep for less than an hour.

She stared up at Louis who only admired her beauty, his large hand gently held her face as he kissed her lips softly. Clementine gently pulled away with an evil grin.

"Give me the remote." She ordered Marlon, the blonde let out a deep chuckle as he passed the controller to Clem. Her amber eyes stared at the tv with excitement as they chose their characters.

Louis of course chose Kitana, he for some reason chose her a lot. Clementine went for Scorpion, a choice Louis honestly hadn't expected. Louis smirked down at his girlfriend as he rested a hand on her thigh.

"I'll try going easy on you, I'm kinda a pro." He boasted proudly, Clementine rolled her eyes in return as she slapped his hand away.

"Just focus on the game, lover boy."

Louis visibly swooned at the name. His grin was wide as the game started. He was shocked to see her beating him, after playing with Marlon for so long she was winning. Everything she did seemed to make him fall more in love. His eyes trailed to the gorgeous brunette beside him as he grinned.

He could see how focused she was on the screen. Her thumbs quickly pressed each button, he wasn't sure if it was strategy or pure luck. Either way, he was mesmerized by her.

"Are you even trying? Come on, I don't know what I'm doing!" She hissed, noticing the boys distracted state. Louis let out a low chuckle as he focused on the screen. He quickly began beating her, making the small girl groan in annoyance. She honestly didn't know how to play very well, she was doing decent for someone who didn't play often. Louis knew almost every move he could do, it was frustrating.

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