Chapter 14: jealousy

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Warning ⚠️ includes triggering topics or angst

Louis and Clem awkwardly worked on the project, every time their skin touched his heart would beat out of his chest. Clementine would pull away and become more distant, making his heart shatter again. A smirk appeared on his face as he looked at her, Clementine eye'd him curiously as he pulled out a deck of cards.

"Right now, seriously?" She asked setting her pencil down, Louis quickly nodded his head with a smile, making Clementine shake her head. "We have to do this, it's half of our grade." She said pointing to the sheet, Louis shrugged slightly as he gave her a card.

"Loosen up, its only one game." He said quietly, flipping over his card, Clementine let out a sigh as she did the same. She got the highest, and he the lowest.

"Ask Minnie out." She said with a smirk, Louis let out a sigh as he stood up. He quickly walked over and did finger guns, receiving a slap from violet once he asked the question. He held his cheek and frowned as he walked over, making Clementine laugh loudly as he furrowed his brows.

"You like seeing my pain don't you?" He teased, Clementine giggles as she nodded her head.

"Only a bit." She said holding up her fingers.

Louis gave clem another card, the two flipping them over at the same time. Louis watched as her face lit up with excitement, a smile of his own appearing as he saw her cheeks turn up. He looked at the sparkle in her eyes when when she thought to herself, a devious smirk appearing on her face as she cleared her throat.

"What's your biggest regret?" She asked with a eyebrow raised. Louis bit his lip as he thought to himself, frowning slightly as he looked up at her.

'Not telling you I love you.'

"Definitely eating cantaloupe." He lied with a scrunched nose, Clementine rolled her eyes as she handed him the card. Truthfully she wanted him to say losing her.

"Boring." She whispered, making Louis dramatically place a hand over his heart. The two let out a laugh as they played again, this time Louis got the highest.

"Finally!" He shouted with a smile, lily scowled at him as she quickly looked away. Clementine raised a eyebrow as she gave him the card.

"You've been waiting a while huh?" She teased, Louis' cheeks went red as he nodded. "So give me a dare or ask something, and make it good." She said with a cheerful smile, his lips curving into a grin as he nodded his head. His face turned bright red as he looked away.

"Kiss me." He said quietly, Clementine looked at him shocked as her mouth opened slightly. No words came out as she looked away, tears forming in her eyes.

"You can't just do that you know? You can't just play with my fucking feelings." She whispered coldly, her face becoming hard as she looked at the door. She felt Louis' hand on her cheek, making her skin flare as she looked at him.

"It isn't like that, Clementine I-"

"Unless this discussion is about the project, I suggest you take your hand off her face." Lily spit, Louis' nostrils flared as he turned around and looked at her with distaste.

"Yes ma'am." He said, grabbing the paper and writing random things down.

Lily scowled at clem as she put her hand on her hip, making a 'hmph' sound as she walked away. Clementine shook away every incoming thought that came to mind, she pushed away the feeling of Louis' hand on her cheek. She didn't want to remember the way he'd tease her, last nights events came flooding back. What they had almost done on that counter still made her heart race, she shuffled on the floor uncomfortably, just trying to get rid of the butterflies in her stomach.

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