Chapter 30: We just talked

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Marlon and Louis sat next to eachother lazily, Clementine and Brody had run off somewhere in the house. The two drank the alcoholic beverage together, they were basically hogging it. They were quite tipsy, nothing too bad though. Laughs came from their lips as they continued to make dirty jokes, they were such boys.

"You want Clementine to sit on your face.." Marlon slurred, Louis only smirked as he took a sip of the drink. He looked over to Marlon, the boys mullet was messy.

"I mean... you're not wrong." Louis said with a laugh, his face was slightly red talking about her in that way. It almost felt disrespectful. But he was a boy, and this was what him and Marlon did.

"Oh yeah?" He asked with an evil smirk. "Clementine, Louis wants you to-"

He was interrupted by the freckled boy pushing him harshly, a horse like laugh escaped the mullet boys lips. He looked at Louis, his face was flustered with embarrassment and horror. He didn't want Clementine to hear what they were talking about.

"Relax I'm joking, don't get your panties in a twist." Marlon said as he stood up. Clementine peeked her head out and looked around, Mitch, Jill, Brody, violet, and Minnie were in the other room. Louis didn't really like the idea of Mitch and Clem in a room together without him, but since other people were there it was okay.

"My name was called?" She asked, her body was hidden from the two boys. Louis looked at her with red cheeks, he flashed a quick smile as his hands pinned Marlon down.

"It's really nothing clem, you can go."

"He wants to f-" Louis quickly covered his mouth again, this time glaring at him as a growl rumbled in his throat.

Clementine looked at the couch with pink cheeks, a nervous giggle escaped her lips. She had an idea of what Marlon was about to say. He was such a boy. "Alright, I'm gonna leave now."

"Bye Clementine." Marlon shouted against Louis' hand, his voice was muffled.

Marlon pushed the taller teen away from him and chuckled, louis is only stared at the ground with furrowed brows. He was curious of what was going on in that room, he wanted to know what they were doing. He trusted her, he trusted the small girl with his life.

Marlon took a swig from the half empty bottle as he sighed, the two of them haven't talked much. He looked over at his friend, he seemed to be deep in thought. He wanted to ask the boy a question, it was none of his business, but he honestly wanted to know.

"Did you ever meet up with her?" He asked, Louis peered up at him. His brows furrowed showing he was confused.


"That girl, from when you and clem broke up. I saw the text, did you meet up with her last week?" Louis looked down at his hands. That night was still in his mind.

"Yes." He whispered guiltily, Marlon scrunched his face. He was almost offended, he wished he didn't ask.

"Dude, after you guys got back together... you scummed it with some girl from a party?" He whisper shouted, Louis' face retorted as he rolled his eyes. He would never cheat on Clementine, especially after getting her back again.

"I'm not an asshole, we just talked." He said quietly, it was true. On one of the nights where he wasn't with Clementine, he had gone to talk with her. That was his only intention.

"Are you sure you only talked?"

"Yes Marlon, she wanted more but I didn't let it go any further. Why the fuck are you bringing this up now?" He hissed, he began to feel irritated by his friends interrogation. Marlon only sighed as he rested his head on the couch, he was just curious honestly.

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