Chapter 21: Michael

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Aj's furiously small footsteps charged into Clem's room as he swung the door open, his face was hard as he stepped towards the girl on the bed. He raised his index finger accusingly as he shook his head.

"You!" He growled, Clementine let out a laugh as she sat up in the bed. His anger always entertained her, it was adorably annoying.

"Yes goofball?" She teased, the small boy ignored the insulting comment as he rushed into her room. He started digging through her dresser as she quickly swatted his hands with a scowl, he glared back up at her intimidatingly as she crossed her arms. "And what exactly are you doing?"

"You and your whore of a boyfriend have been hanging out a lot." He accused with crossed arms, she let out a scoff as she shook her head. His small figure mocked her stance as he smirked.

"And what does that have to do with anything?" She asked with a hint of annoyance in her voice, the young boy smirked as he walked over to the door.

"He's a shitbird." Aj shouted as he slammed the door shut, Lee growled at the boy as he shook his head disappointingly.

"Shitbird? That's a new one." Louis smirked, Clementine let out a sigh as she looked at the camera again. She squinted her eyes at the shirtless boy infront of her, her small lips curved into a smile as she leaned back.

"Why are you shirtless?"

"It's how I go to sleep." He said nonchalantly, his face was smug as he stared at the camera again. Clementine let out a sigh as she stood up, she walked over to the small closet as Louis whined. "Where'd you go?"

"I have to get dressed, I'll only be a second." She whispered, her brows furrowed as she heard a small giggle come from the phone.

"Can I see?" He teased, her cheeks turned bright red as she quickly grabbed a blanket and walked towards the camera.

Louis stared at his phone shocked as she smiled smugly, his stomach turned in knots as he waited for what would come. A smirk appeared on his face as he watched her. She slowly dropped the blanket, revealing a fully clothed clem holding the middle finger. He let out a disappointed sigh as she giggled, she kneeled infront of the phone with a smirk as he grinned at her.

"Maybe next time bud." She teased, his eyebrow raised as he leaned against the bed. The same attractive smug smirk appeared.

"So there'll be a next time?" He asked smugly, Clementine let out a scoff as she put her damp hair in a bun.

He watched her with a grin as he laid back on his bed, Clementine noticed his gaze and furrowed her brows; her cheeks started to feel hot.

"What?" She asked with puffed cheeks, Louis let out a small laugh as he shook his head. He admired her beauty even through the screen, he was infatuated by her.

"You're beautiful." He whispered, Clementines heart raced as she laid on her bed. Her phone in hand as she stared at the camera, his dreads hung low making him look even more attractive. She let out a small giggle as she checked him out through the phone, something she didn't do often.

"You're handsome." She said with a wink, the boy on the phone let out a small laugh as he shook his head. They could be very cheesy at times, making it hard to take the two seriously. Clementine bit her lip as she sat up, she stared at the blank wall ahead of her with a hum. "I wish you were here."

"That could be arranged?" He said with a grin as he stood up, she let out a soft laugh as she slowly shook her head.

"My dad would actually kill you, maybe another time?" She said quietly as she grabbed an apple, he watched as she took a bite of the juicy fruit with a frown.

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