Chapter 48: Official

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Louis and Marlon has fixed things, though they still had a few heated moments, they were fine. The two of them were like brothers and nothing could change that. But what got Marlons blood boiling was Tanya, she'd always stare at Louis from across the room. She would always make sure her cleavage was showing, the brunette would also send him flirty looks. Louis paid no attention to her, which left her craving more.

Sophie was even desperate, her green clip seemed even more like barf than before. It clashed with her fiery red hair. It stood out like a highlight, but not in a good way.

Marlon kept a close eye on Louis, it's not that he didn't trust him, he didn't trust Tanya. She was basically a living succubus. He watched Louis text during lunch with a wide smile, the blonde was curious as to what made him so happy.

"What's on the phone, Jaiden Smith?" Louis rolled his eyes at the nickname as he flashed his phone. It showed his and Clem's text messages, Marlon only chuckled as he shook his head. "What are you gonna ask her?"

Louis let out a soft sigh as he blushed slightly, his hand rested under his chin as he thought of her. With her gorgeous doe eyes, and her plump yet soft lips. The ones he wanted to kiss for the rest of his life.

"I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend again."

Marlons brows raised at the statement, he leaned forward as he released a soft sigh. "Are you sure that's a good idea right now? Her dad just died." He whispered. Louis chewed his bottom lip as he nodded understandably.

"I know, but I think this would be good you know. We could officially be together. I could help her whenever she'd need, I wouldn't fuck it up this time." He whispered, Marlon shrugged as he stared into the darker boys eyes.

"What about her mental state, is this really healthy for her right now?"

Maybe Marlon was right, maybe he wasn't. Louis couldn't beat around the bush anymore, he knew what he wanted. He wanted Clementine back. He had screwed up but he would fix things, he had to. He would forever regret not taking his chance if he didn't. He suddenly felt a pair of hands on his shoulders, softly messaging him.

He felt uncomfortable at the touch of this person, they pressed their body against his as he grew embarrassed. Him and Marlon were just sitting down when they were rudely interrupted. He turned around to see Tanya, the curly haired girl smirked down at him as her finger went under his chin.

"You didn't come over last week, or last night. I've been really lonely without you." She whispered, Louis rolled his eyes as he looked away. He didn't want anyone thinking they were still having a fling.

"Tanya why don't you understand? Clementine is back and I'm not gonna fuck it up for you." He hissed. Tanya giggled as she angled her upper body more, making sure that her breasts were visible.

Marlon scrunched his nose in disgust as he watched this. 'These two really fucked?' It was a vulgar way to think of it but it was true. Louis pulled out his phone as he searched for a picture, once he found it he made sure she could see it. Her brows furrowed as she scoffed.

"This should make me leave because?"

It was a picture of Clementine, in his arms. The two of them laid on the couch as she rested on his chest. Just looking at it made his heart melt. She looked beautiful, she always did.

"Because I love this girl, I'd do anything to protect her. I'm sorry Tanya but I don't want you, we agreed that it was just a distraction." He whispered quietly.

"So that means you just kick me to the curb? You want me not some trashy runaway. We both know it."

Louis stood up now, he was appalled of her accusations. It wasn't true. He furrowed his brows as Tanya glared. Marlon stood between them, his hard stare remained on Louis as he crossed his arms.

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