Chapter 53: Date night

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Jill and Clementine sat on the couch, the small girl struggled to keep her eyes open as she stared at the tv. She looked over to Jill. The brunette lazily laid next to her, a packet of skittles in her lap as she tossed a few into her mouth. She stared at the tv with interest. The two of them had decided to watch 'Up', one of Clementines favorites as a kid.

Clem let out a soft yawn as she stretched slightly, it was towards the end now. Meaning that she could finally tear her eyes away from the tv.

"What time is it?" Clementine asked while stretching. Jill pulled out her phone and looked down.

"Eleven-thirty why, you tired already?" She asked with a frown. Clem sighed as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm exhausted, I surprisingly did a lot today."

"Like kick Tanyas ass." Jill snorted, tossing another skittle into her mouth as she smirked. "You also fell asleep on Louis. He texted us all freaking out from joy."

Jill's voice was light, the small girl blushed slightly at the thought. She couldn't deny how adorable Louis was. The thought of him being so excited over her falling asleep on him. It made her weirdly happy. She wanted nothing but to be in his arms for the rest of her life. That would be a dream come true.

"Do I have to go right now, or could I stay at yours?" Jill asked quietly. Clementine tilted her head slightly.

"Alright whats going on?" She asked with a sigh.

Jill frowned as she stared at her knees. Her lips started to tremble as she shook her head, Clementine felt awful. She didn't even know what happened yet and her heart already ached for the girl.

"It's my mom, she found out I'm bi, or whatever. She fucking slapped me and said to just leave, I'm such a fucking reck I'm sorry."

Clementines mouth fell open slightly, her arms wrapped around the girls body as she pulled her close. Jill's sobs were muffled by Clementines shoulder. Her small hands rubbed in circles on the other girls back as she sighed.

"I'm so stupid for coming out to her."

"It's not your fault, you trusted her. She's your mom, she's supposed to love and accept you for who you are. I'm so sorry." Clementine whispered.

Jill pulled away cautiously as she stared at Clementine, her green eyes searched the other girls slowly as she exhaled.

"Did Lee... ever except you?" She asked, Clementine smiled softly as she shrugged.

"It didn't matter to him honestly, he wasn't over the top about it, but he also wasn't a dick."

Jill grabbed a handful of skittles and tossed it into her mouth, the girls green eyes stared at the couch as she grinned.

"He sounds nice" She whispered with a full mouth. Clementine visibly cringed, the two girls released a soft giggle as a skittle almost flew out.

"He really was."


Time skip Friday

The days had dragged on and on. Clementine has grown so tired, so far she had only taken the pill twice. Which is honestly more than she wanted to. Clementine felt weak whenever taking them, she'd have a sudden urge to take them almost every day. But Clementine knew she had to have self control, she couldn't let things get out of control again.

She stared into the mirror at what she was wearing, Clementine chewed at her nails as she groaned. This one was just too much honestly, especially for a small date. Clementine didn't even remember buying it. It was a tight black strapped dress, with nothing on it. But the way it hugged her body made up for the lack of embellishments. She cautiously pulled off the dress as she groaned, the petite girl had no idea of what to wear.

~Just a romantic~ clouisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن