Chapter 34: Made it together

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Louis woke up, his head pounding as he released a small gasp. He had dreamt of her that night, of them snuggled in bed together as she whispered sweet nothings in his ear. It felt so real. It felt like he was really holding her, her voice sounded so real. It was just as angelic and sweet.

He jerked up, tears pricked his eyes as his dreads scattered around. His face was also flushed, and his chest felt tight. He hadn't cried, though he came close. He couldn't let himself cry, he was going to find her, he felt it.

"Fuck." He whispered, he put his hands over his face as he groaned. He felt like absolute shit.

He got out of bed slowly, his posture was terrible. Usually he stood tall, proud. Now his shoulders hunched, his brows furrowed, he looked so mean. He walked towards his closet and grabbed a black shirt, his eyes were dull as he pulled out a pair of pants. He looked down to see a picture of Clementine, her arms wrapped around Louis' neck with a wide grin.

He let out a soft sigh as he stared at it, 'I'll find her.' He reminded himself.

He heard his phone vibrate on the desk, his stomach churned at the noise. It felt like his heart had stopped. He slowly turned around, yesterday he saw she was close to texting him, he saw the bubbles. But she had stopped. What if this was her, what if she was actually texting him. He picked up the phone, his heart racing as he slowly read the contact name.


I'm coming over to your house"

Louis sighed as he shook his head, what could the blonde possibly want? It was four in the morning. He quickly pulled on his clothes as he ran down the stairs, Marlon had already arrived and decided to walk in. Louis scowled as he crossed his arms, Marlon tended to walk in a lot.

"Yeah Marlon, just come in I don't care." He said sarcastically as he hopped onto the couch. Marlon stared at him timidly as he cleared his throat.

"How are you feeling?"

"My girlfriend just ran away, I don't know where or how she is. I feel great!" He exclaimed, his voice had a joking tone. Marlon looked at the darker boy stunned, he had never seen him act that way.

"Dude I'm sorry, I didn't mean to over step but we'll find her. She'll come home." He said quietly. Louis flopped onto the couch and covered his face with his hands, how was he so sure about that. Clementine wasn't just some girl, she was stubborn.

"Yeah... you're right." He lied, he just wanted the conversation to end. He noticed the blondes hesitants, he furrowed his brows at the boy as he sighed. "You alright?"

"I fucked up, I really fucked up." He mumbled, Louis furrowed his brows as he sat up.

"What did you do?"

"I had sex with Brody, we didn't have a condom so I offered to just pull out. I was too fucking weak and didn't do it!" He growled, his hands ran over his face as he stared at the ceiling.

"Shit dude, I'm sorry." Louis whispered, he couldn't imagine his best friend as a father, especially not now. Marlon looked at him, almost asking for an answer as he sighed. "Isn't there a morning after pill, or something like that?"

"Yeah there is, I was wondering if you had any. You and Clem did have sex right?" He whispered, his voice was hesitant as he said her name. Louis' breathing hitched hearing about the petite girl, and the mention of their intimate moments.

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