Chapter 7: date

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Clementine looked in her mirror with furrowed brows, comparing the two outfits she had in hand. One was a yellow long sleeve with a black overall like skirt. The other was a orange t-shirt with cargo shorts. She held the two outfits to her body, comparing which one would look better for her date. She grinned to herself as she thought about the fact that she was going on a real date, the closest thing she had to a date was when duck would take her to the park.

"Hey clem." She read on her phone, the message was from duck. 'Speak of the devil' she thought to herself as she typed.

"Hey duck! What's up?" She typed, it felt like forever since she texted him. She decided to wear the first outfit, smiling to herself as she put it on.

"Can we talk for a little?" She frowned at the message as she sat on her bed, crossing her legs as she typed.

"Maybe later, I'm getting ready for a date :)" She smiled as she set her phone down and played around with her hair. She decided to put it in a low ponytail, taking little strands of hair out to frame her face. She looked at her clock, it was now 2:50. She rushed downstairs and grabbed her bag, pulling on her shoes and hugging her parents goodbye.

"Be home by nine." Lee said sternly, Clementine nodded quickly and ran outside to her door. She sat down by the front and went on her phone, scrolling through Instagram and looking at memes. She giggled slightly at a few as she rested her head in her hand. Suddenly footsteps were heard in front of her as Louis wore a smirk.

"You ready darling?" He asked holding out a hand. She grinned as she nodded, taking his hand and walking with him.

"I may not have a car..." he said taking out his phone. "But I have Uber!" He said with a grin, the man driving them pulled up. Louis opened the door for Clem as she walked in, they sat together hand in hand as Louis sent him the destination.

"So where are we going exactly." Clementine asked with a eyebrow raised.

"That's a secret, we're actually going to two places." He said with a wink. Clem rolled her eyes as she shook her head, the mysterious act was annoying but she truly liked it. He wrapped a arm around her and laughed as he kissed her cheek. "It'll be worth it." He said quietly with a smile.

"I know."


As the young couple exited the car, Clementine looked around. Raising a eyebrow at the old abandoned building. The man left as Louis payed him, thanking the man for driving them there.

"A school?" She asked with a small smile. Louis smirked as he stood in front of her.

"Not just any school, this is my old one. Ericssons boarding school for troubled youth!" He said, raising his arms dramatically. Clementine crossed her arms and smiled.

"You went to Ericsson, the school for troubled youth?" She asked skeptically, he nodded slightly as she stepped forward. "You're a literal cinnamon roll." She said as they started walking, he let out a soft laugh as he nodded.

"I was kind of a bad kid, this was only last year but things have changed." He said with a slight frown, Clementine nodded understandably. She didn't want to pressure him into continuing so she stayed quiet. Louis quickly cleared his throat and replaced the frown with a smile, grabbing her arm and dragging her to the back of the school. She looked at the wall with a grin, graffiti was painted on the wall, one had Louis and Marlons name.

"Ta-da!" He shouted as he did jazz hands. "What do you think?" He asked as he kneeled down and dug in his bag, Clementine looked at the art on the wall with a bright smile.

"It's amazing!" She said with glee as she looked around. Louis suddenly shook a few cans making Clem look at him with with confusion. "Spray cans?" She asked as she laughed, he let a grin creep on his face as he tossed her one.

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