Chapter 58: Gorgeous

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Louis sat in the kitchen on his phone, obviously texting Clementine. He wore a large grin as he quickly moved his thumbs in reply. No one else could make him smile that large. A pair of footsteps were heard near him, not that he paid any attention. That was until a small hand rested on his shoulder.

"Glad to see you finally woke up, Louis." A light voice whispered, the woman's soft lips gently kissed his head as he rolled his eyes.

"Morning." He mumbled, showing his disinterest. The woman let out a small huff as she walked towards the kitchen. She was trying to amend with her son, to show that she cared. Louis was often very stubborn, making things harder for everyone else.

"It's two twenty five." She hissed.

His eyes glued onto the phone as Clementine sent a picture of herself. Although she made a 'silly' face, he couldn't help but gawk at the photo. Her amber eyes were crossed as she stuck out her tongue. She looked so beautiful, he quickly saved it to his camera roll as he felt his heart flutter. That gorgeous girl was actually his.

'You're beautiful.' He replied, Clementine grew flustered at the sweet text. He was such a charmer. A small giggle left her lips as she only sent a wink. The small girl had set down her phone softly, her amber eyes stared at the plate in front of her with a frown.

A rush of anxiety flooded her body, she had been thinking a lot about Lee recently. She had to go back to school in a few days. The thought of walking through those doors again scared her, just thinking about it made her nauseous. Clem knew she had to be brave, but it was hard.

She felt her phone vibrate on the table, a small sigh escaped her lips as she stared down at the screen.

"Also I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party with me? It's with a few old friends so nothing too big."

Clementine thought for a moment, biting her bottom lip as she furrowed her brows.

"When's the party?" She asked, although she already knew she'd be free. Clementine almost never had plans.

The small three dots at the bottom screen appeared. He seemed to be typing for a long time as she sighed.

"Tonight, it'll be a small get together with a few old friends of mine. It'd be a lot better if you joined me."

Clementine felt herself grin at the simple message, he was such a charmer. Her thumbs quickly typed along the screen as she sighed. "Tell me when you're coming over."

With that she set down her phone, leaving it on the table as she walked into the living room. It used to be hard, not seeing Lee on the couch watching tv. Now it was scarily normal to her. She wanted to one day wake up and see him in the kitchen, making bacon and eggs with Carly as they bickered about what to add. A small frown formed the girls lips as she sat on the empty sofa. Aj was somewhere in his room, on his tablet playing with friends. Clementine stared at the ceiling blankly, her amber eyes scanned every stream of paint she saw.

It was odd, she never really noticed all the detail. Every imperfection on the ceiling above her seemed so obvious now that she was looking at it, it wasn't very important, not at all. But she couldn't help but wonder what else she had missed. What other things had she ignored for so long? Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of her loud door bell. She quickly got up from the couch and looked at the clock on her wall, she had been laying down for only a few minutes.

The petite girl walked towards the front door and cautiously opened it, she was shocked to see her favorite handsome dread head.

"Hey there gorgeous." He whispered with a wink. Blush formed on the girls face as she opened the door, letting her boyfriend step inside.

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