Chapter 51: Clementine

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Contains triggering language.

Clementine stared blankly at the ground, she knew today would be awful. She didn't even want to come. Christa stood infront of the two, her arms were crossed as she stared at Clem with disappointment.

"Are either of you going to tell me what happened?" She hissed, Tanyas bottom lip quivered as she placed her head in her hands. Sobs escaped her lips as Clementine rolled her eyes, 'This bitch is playing victim.'

"She... she attacked me!" She shouted as tears fell. "I don't even know why."

"That's bull. You told me I shouldn't be alive, you said I'm the reason for my parents death, and Lee's!" Clementine hissed, her body had turned towards the taller girl as she stared at her with hatred.

Christa crossed her arms. She wanted things to be fair. She couldn't choose Clementine because she was close with Lee, but if what she was saying is true, there would be serious consequences.

"Is this true, Tanya?"

The brunette scoffed as she lifted her arms up in hysteria.

"She's lying!"

"Enough, I'll just ask your fellow classmates." The woman mumbled, before she left she placed a gentle hand on Clementines shoulder.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Lee was a good man. I'm sure he was an amazing father." She whispered, Clementine nodded her head slowly as she frowned.

"He really was." Her voice cracked at the end as Christa left the room.

Tanya sat in the chair beside her, arms crossed and brows furrowed. She looked at Clementine with disgust, Clementine bit her tongue as she held everything back. She was never really violent, but Tanya made her body want to throw all beliefs out the window, just so she could kick her ass. She couldn't believe Louis would sleep with someone like her. Someone so bitchy.

"You know you're such a cunt? A butt hurt little bitch." Tanya whispered, it was obvious she wanted a reaction from the girl.

Clementine clenched her fists in anger as she rolled her eyes. She decided to just listen, no matter how much she wanted to hurt the girl.

"You know I've heard rumors that you let Mitch, druggy bomb boy fuck the lights out of you! Is that true?" She laughed, when receiving no answer she laughed even harder. "Holy shit you did! And you say I'm the slut."

Clementine tapped her foot, she was now growing impatient. Christa needed to hurry back and fast, anyone did.

"Did you become his little drug whore? I bet you two had orgy's where you all were too baked to even function." She snarled, she leaned forward as her smile widened. "Oh wait, aren't you a fag?"

Clementine had enough, she grabbed the girls collar and stared into her eyes angrily. "Unless you want me to beat your ass again, I suggest you shut the hell up." She whispered, she smirked as she pushed the girl off her hand. Like she was a roach, a pest. Her arms crossed as she slumped in her seat. She wanted to go home.

Christa walked in with a few other students, Violet and Louis were the main ones she saw. Louis sent Clementine a small smile, she didn't see it. She was too busy staring at her black shoes. They had small scuffs but nothing too bad. Louis sat beside her and rested a hand in her lap, Violet sat farthest from everyone. For no particular reason other than there was no more room.

Louis gave Clementine a small kiss on the head as their fingers intertwined, her small hands squeezed his as she smiled gently. She felt immensely better. Christa released a sigh as she shook her head, this would take a while.

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