Chapter 52: Pill diet

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Her body was so warm against his. This feeling was something he truly never wanted to lose. He looked down at his arms, Clementine was sound asleep. She looked so peaceful. It was different from her usual hard glare, though he loved anything she did, he couldn't help but love her soft side. His body was facing hers yet his hands were still wrapped around her waist.

He couldn't believe everything they had gone through. Not just in their relationship but in their own life. He hated knowing about how painful her past was. It was one of the things he wished she didn't have to go through any of that. And for see her dead parents, that was something that he felt terrible for.

He could always see when she had nightmares. Her nose would scrunch as her lips would quiver, if it was quiet he could hear her soft whimpers. Whenever hearing her upset, he'd hum softly. It somehow always calmed her down. The small girl had intertwined their fingers before she fell asleep. They twitched slightly as she wore a small smile. He wondered what she was dreaming about that made her so happy.

During their breakup, on the nights he stayed at Tanyas. Any nights really. He could never sleep. No matter how hard the tall boy tried he stayed wide awake, his body tossed and turned. Embarrassingly enough, sometimes he'd cry. It was all because he missed her, and the guilt. Truthfully he wanted her home and in his arms. When he was with Tanya, it didn't feel the same. It didn't feel as good. Not just physically but emotionally, maybe it was because he knew who he really loved.

Either way he still did it as a distraction. It would forever be the thing that he feels ashamed for.

She let out a soft moan as she rolled over. Her body was turned away from his. The dread head frowned as he pulled her waist closer to him, he didn't want to lose her warm touch. His head buried into the crook of her neck as he gently kissed the skin, the short girl let out a sigh as she patted his arm. A chuckle escaped his lips, his warm breath tickled her exposed neck.

"Hey Lou." She mumbled.

He turned her body and held her close, the small girl hummed as she hugged him tightly. "What time is it?"

"One thirty." He whispered, Clementine let out a soft hum as she made a mental note.

She was supposed to meet someone soon. He was going to give her something that was possibly, bad for her. But it was for something she needed. It wasn't because of her past, but because of the sadness and anger she felt. It helped her relax. Like a coping mechanism. If anyone found out where she was going and why, she'd be in so much trouble.

She was never addicted, but something had happened with her medication. Something that was dangerous and could've had serious consequences. She felt almost ashamed that she was relying on it, after all the things that she's gone through, this was her breaking point. She didn't have an addiction to it, but she was so dependent on the medication. Without it she'd panic, the small girl was so lifeless when taking it.

When Tanya has called her a druggy, something in Clementine snapped. She wanted to hurt the girl again. It was wrong, Lee had always told her violence wasn't the answer. He would be so disappointed.

"Aren't your parents worried about you?" Clementine asked quietly, Louis shrugged as he tightened his arms around the girls petite waist.

"I'd much rather be here with you. You're finally in my arms after so long." He whispered, Clementine giggled as she shook her head.

He was so innocent.

Her head lifted slightly as she kissed his jaw, the boys face instantly reddened as he looked down. Before Louis could say anything her lips were on his. Louis' large hand held up her jaw as he grinned. She was gorgeous. The feeling of her soft lips on his was like heaven, he'd stay in this moment forever if he could. His head tilted as he lifted his body up, he could feel Clementine deepen the kiss as her hand tugged his coat.

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