Chapter 62: No need for pity

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Clementine sat on the floor of her room, accompanied by the handsome dreadhead beside her. Surprisingly enough, they had actually gotten through studying together. Louis held a textbook on his lap, Clementine continued to scribble notes on a sheet of lined paper. He noticed how tense she was, from the way her shoulders were raised and the way her brows furrowed.

"Clem stop." He whispered, placing a hand on her shoulder gently. Clementine turned slightly, obviously irritated by the disturbance.

"What? And I swear, if you ask for another snack break-"

Before she could finish, she was quickly interrupted by his soft lips on hers. His hands gently held her chin as he pulled away, seeing her puzzled expression.

"Are you okay?" He whispered, looking down now. "You seem upset"

"Im not upset." She laughed softly. "Just irritated... or stressed? I don't know how to describe it." She said quietly.

As Louis pulled away, he sat in front of her. Their legs tangled together as he played with the fabric of her loose pajama pants. He was worried about her, truly. He'd do anything in his power to make her feel better.

He let out a sigh before looking up. "Then what's wrong, really?"


"Please?" He begged, now holding her small hands in his. "I want to help, if I can at all. If not you can just rant I guess?" He said softly. Clementine let out an irritated sigh as she shook her head, he'd never stop asking if she didn't confess.

"I've been stressed, as you know. When I get like this I take these pills... I'm not supposed to anymore, I was addicted before."

Louis' eyes widened slightly as she continued. "I was a mess when I didn't have them, that's why they were taken from me. But I found them in my moms drawer and I've been taking them again." She whispered. The small girl looked so guilty, like she had done something wrong.

"Clementine I'm so-"

"Lou I don't want your pity, I feel like such a dumbass for going back into bad habits. Everything's just so overwhelming, with Lee's funeral coming up and school ending-"

He pulled her into an embrace, sighing at the warm feeling of her body against his. Her slim arms wrapped around his neck quickly as his back hit the bed, he didn't mind the slight pain, he only wanted to comfort her at this point. No words were exchanged between the two, it was silent. The silence was comfortable.

He slowly pulled away, grabbing ahold of her left hand softly as he sighed.

"Do you still have them? The pills." He asked, watching as Clementine slowly nodded. She stood up and walked to her dresser, quickly scavenging through the messy clothes until she found the bottle. He held out his hand, waiting for the bottle to be in his grasp. She slowly walked forward, her posture slump as she finally gave away the pills.

Before she could leave, Louis gently grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him. The two of them stood together, his arm gently held onto her waist as her head rested on the crook of his neck. The room was quiet, his cheek rested on the top of her head as he sighed.

"I'm sorry Clem, for all of it." He said softly, tightening his hold on her slightly. She let out a soft laugh, closing her eyes to embrace the moment, just a little longer. "And just know that I'll be here, to support you know matter what."

"I know." She whispered, a small smile painted on her lips as she gently kissed his cheek and pulled away. "Alright enough of this, we have one more sheet to study and we're done!" Clementine said proudly. Louis couldn't help but smile, seeing her like this. It was nice.


"Louis put it down!" Clementine growled, trying to snatch away a small frame in his hands. He let out a deep chuckle as he moved his body, continuing to admire the two photos in the frame.

"Damn, you've always been adorable." He said quietly, a soft grin taking over as he looked at the young girl in the left. It was Clementine, in her tree house with a large grin. Her signature hat rested on her curls, he hadn't seen her where that in a few weeks.

He hoped one day, their kid would have her eyes, and smile.

Everything about her was truly beautiful. To the right of the photo, was a more recent one. Maybe two years old, she and Duck sat on some couch outside. It looked like they were in an abandoned campsite. Clementines arm was wrapped around the boys neck, he couldn't help but notice her shirt that made him laugh.

"Bi bi bitch?" He asked, a shit eating grin on his lips. Clementine gently nudged his arm as she rolled her eyes.

"It was cool, to me at least. Plus it was that or 'I swing both ways' and that felt too basic." She said nonchalantly, Louis let out a soft laugh as he looked back at the picture.

"That's cute."

Her hair was quite long, a few inches past her shoulders. Her tan legs were crossed as she held a peace sign, Duck looked unprepared for the photo. His mouth was open, his hand was in a rock symbol.

"You done admiring the pictures?" She asked, arms crossed as she sat on the bed. Louis gently set the frame down as he chuckled, standing in front of him now was Clementine. Her hands rested on his shoulders as he held her lips gently, a sly grin painted on his face.

"Can't I admire my girlfriends beauty?" He asked teasingly, watching as Clem rolled her eyes.


Suddenly, his lips were gently pressed against hers. She let out a hum in shock, before quickly melting into the kiss. Her hands cupped his cheeks, her fingers gently followed his jawline. She never noticed how strong it was. After a moment, they finally pulled away. It was short yet sweet, in a way the kiss was almost perfect. Her amber eyes gazed at him dreamily, she fought to keep her eyes open, to look at him for a little while longer. She gently kissed his lips again, this time lazily.

"Clementine." He whispered, laughing slightly as she furrowed her brows. "Go to bed, you're tired." He said quietly, watching as she huffed.

"Stay here?"

"Of course." He said softly, standing with her as they walked towards her unmade bed. They laid on top of the messy sheets, bodies pressed together as they held onto each other tightly. She fought with herself, trying to stay awake, trying to admire him a little while longer. Finally, she fell asleep. Louis looked down at her, she looked so calm. His lips gently kissed her head before closing his own eyes.

"I love you Clementine." He mumbled, half asleep as he sighed.

The two teens laid together in bed, holding onto eachother. It was sweet, truly. Knowing things for them were better again, it was comforting.

I don't know what to say for this part lol, i hope you're all doing alright. The next few chapters will be a bit more light hearted eek

Thanks for reading ❤️

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