Chapter 1

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Clementine woke up in her orange bedsheets, the sunlight dancing through her room as lee opened the curtains. Clementine groaned and pulled the blankets over her whole body, squeezing her eyes shut as lee pulled the blankets off.

"Clementine you're going to be late, get up now." He said sternly as he folded the blankets. The curly haired girl scowled at her adoptive father, he's been up for so long but just now decided to wake her. She rubs her sleepy eyes and yawns, getting out of bed as her Homer Simpson pants unfold from her leg. "And hurry, Mom is waiting." He mumbles as he exits her room, Clementine walks to the door and shuts it.

"You could shut it for me!" She shouts as Lee snickers. Many thoughts rush through her mind as she looks at the clock, it read 7:20.

"Shit!" She whisper shouted, rushing to her closet and grabbing the first thing she saw. Quickly putting it on and rushing out of the house.

"Bye Lee!" Shutting the door and running to Carly, she laughs at the unorganized girl.

"Took you long enough." Carly mutters as she backs out of the drive way, Clementine crosses her arms and stairs out the window. It was much colder in Washington than Georgia, that much she knew so far. The rainy cold weather was different from the humid rain, the trees reminded her of something from a cheesy romance movie. As much as she hated to admit it, she liked it here quite a lot, especially because she was reminded of romance movies.

"You're sure you have everything for school, right?" Carly questioned, Clementine sighed as she nodded. Continuing to stare out the window, trying to memorize any familiar land markings. As they drove they passed a group of people laughing about something, seeming like a close group. Clementine envied a friendship like that, she had one back in Georgia but because of moving they could only be seen through a screen. The group seemed quite close too, a dread head boy and red head were wrapped in each other's arms as the other teens walked behind them. Zooming past the teens and a few yards away seeing another boy, he seemed lonely. Wearing all black and having headphones in, jamming to whatever he listened to. His shaggy dark hair bouncing up and down as he slowly bops his head.

"Mom?" Clementines soft voice squeaks, her mother looked over at her with an angelic smile. "Do you think I'll make any friends?" She questioned, by the sound of her voice you'd guess she was just a child. Carly stroked her daughters face and continued to stare at the road with a smile.

"Of course, if they don't that's their loss. They won't be in your life forever." Clementine sighed at the speech her mother gave, she always said the same thing about kids at school. With each time it becomes even more annoying, almost recognizable to her. She sounds her out as she stares out the window again, they crept closer to the big schools gates. Supposedly this was a rebuild of the amazing Ericsson, many horror stories were told about that place. Not many of them were believable though.

"And we're here." Carly said dorkily. Clementine smiled at her as she exited the car. "Make good choices!" Her mother shouted, Clementine stared wide eyed at her mother as she giggled and drove off. The group of teens from earlier snickering at what the woman had said.

"Nice mom." A tall blonde boy said. Clementine smiled sheepishly, trying not to stare at the mullet that looked like a dead cat. Feeling her face grow hot she rushed inside the school, feeling herself gasp as she sees the amazing inside. It was huge. She walked towards another group of teens, one wearing a orange beanie. She smiled kindly at the group and pulled out a piece of paper.

"Sorry to bother, but I'm looking for the main office?" She said quietly, the boy offered a smile and pointed towards the left.

"Try not getting lost." A older girl with short black hair snickered. The beanie boy flashed a glare at the girl with glasses as Clementine rolled her eyes. She walked into the big doors and took in the smell of vanilla and dust, a strange combination. She walked towards one of the fragile looking women and offered her best respectful smile.

"How may I help you?" The old lady croaked, Clementine gripped the paper and set it on the desk, cringing at the sound of crumbling.

"I'm Clementine Everette, I need my schedule. I'm new." The grey haired lady nodded as she typed loudly, Clementine let out a small sound of irritation as the lady giggled. She rolled her chair towards the printer and waited for the paper to come. Hitting it slightly as it made sounds of struggle.

"This cheap thing." She huffed under her breath, the lights flashed, signaling the need of ink.

"I uh, I think it's empty. It needs ink." Clementine said. The frustrated woman nodded and tip toed towards a drawer to grab ink. Behind her the doors opened, for a short second letting in the sound of many kids chatting. Still staring forward, a hand was placed behind her. The fragile woman looked up and smiled widely seeing the tall boy next to clem.

"Louis, dear!" The grey lady shouted eagerly, opening her arms and walking out of the office desk.

"Hey grandma." The dread head from earlier whispered. He hugged the woman tightly and unwrapped his arms from her, smiling again as she placed her hands on her hips.

"What do you need sweetie?" Louis scratched the back of his neck as he walked towards one of the many chairs and sat down.

"Can't I just come here and hang out with my favorite grandma. The old woman scowled at the boy as she walked to the printer, Clementine grabbed her elbow as she felt out of place. Almost intrusive on the family talk.

"I know darn well you wouldn't come here just to see me, what did you do." She grabbed the paper and handed it to Clementine, she gave a thankful nod and walked towards the chair. Putting everything she didn't need away and taking what she needed out.

"It's really nothing, but I should get going so I'll see you around." He yelled as he rushed out, the woman scoffed as she sat in the chair once again. Clementine put her bag back on her and walked out. The sounds of chattering hit her ears as she walked through the halls. Strange looks were given to her as her cheeks heated, she grabbed her phone and headphones and put them on. Blasting the music to distract from the noise around her, all she wanted was to be alone in her own world. With the people and music she loved. Suddenly the obnoxious bell was rung and students rushed to their next class, leaving Clementine dumbfounded as she stared at the unclear map. A sharp tap on her shoulder was felt, making her flinch as she turned. The dark freckled boy from before was behind her with a sweet smile, his hand extended for her schedule. She carefully dropped the crinkled paper in his hand as he scanned it, his face lighting up when he sees her first period.

"Stuck with me for first, hopefully I can make it enjoyable for you." The short girl stares at the big with a eyebrow raised, the freckled boy chuckled as he scratches his neck.

"That's cool?" Clementine ponders as he grabs her arm and leads her through the crowded halls. Blood rushes to her cheeks feeling the contact of the boy Louis in her, although she didn't know him he already made her flustered. Butterflies flew through her stomach as they reached the door. Opening it to see a familiar face.


First chapter, if you like it vote on it ig😂

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