Chapter 27: Hey there pretty lady

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3 days until she runs away

The two of them woke up in her bed, her body basically hugging the boy as he chuckled. His hand gently rubbed her arm as she stretched, releasing a small groan as she rubbed her eyes. He looked at her, mostly her tired eyes. His hand gently held her chin up his lips gently grazed hers, she let out a soft giggle as she shook her head.

"Finally up early?" He teased with a smirk, Clementine only giggled as she shook her head.

"You kind of woke me up."

"Well, I have to go get ready for school." He dragged with a smile as he stood up. "See you later love."

"Bye Louis." She said with a small smile, the tall boy crawled out of the window and left. Leaving Clementine alone in her room.

She let out a sigh as she got ready, her body still felt tired. She ran down the stairs and sighed as she made a quick pot of coffee. She took a sip of the warm liquid as she groaned, it was soothing as it hit the back of her throat. She quickly put on her shoes and ran out the door, she was in such a hurry. Her moms car was missing from its usual spot, she was probably with lee again.

She ran through the empty streets as she sighed, it was only 7:30. She was so used to being late. She decided to keep walking, and head to Louis' house. She took a sip of the warm drink in hand and continued walking. Her body for once felt okay, it didn't feel too cold. She smiled as she neared his house. They were practically neighbors.

She knocked on the door and was greeted by a taller man, his eyes wore bags as he took a sip of what she assumed to be beer. He smiled kindly at the girl as his arm rested against the door frame.

"Clementine, good to see you." He said with a raspy voice. "You want to come in?" He asked as he moved from the door, she nodded her head slowly as she walked in. The house looked dirtier, they definitely stopped cleaning. She didn't judge though, she leaned against the wall and smiled at the man.

"Thanks." She whispered, the man only gave a soft nod as he walked away. Up the stairs and into his room.

Clementine leaned awkwardly against the wall, she honestly didn't know what to do. Booming footsteps were heard, they rushed down the stairs. Clementine was startled as something picked her up and held her in their arms, she let out a gasp as she held onto the persons neck. Dreads tickled her chest as the person the person gently set her down, his smile was wide as he brushed away her hair.

"Hey there pretty lady." He whispered sweetly, Clementine let out a soft giggle as she shook her head.

"Hey handsome." She teased with a smirk, Louis only chuckled as he took her hand in his.

"What brings you here?"

"I honestly don't know, but I'm here now." She said with a nervous laugh, Louis only shook his head as he kissed her cheek.

"Wanna go upstairs?" He asked softly, Clementine nodded her head as she followed him upstairs.

She slowly trailed behind him, he was a lot faster than her. He did have longer legs, he looked at her with a grin as he made it all the way up. He crossed his arms as she finally made it up, he extended his hand with a smirk. Clementine only glared as she took his hand, the two of them slowly walked into his room.

It was a lot cleaner than the rest of the house, Clementine sat on his bed as she sighed. It was comfortable. He sat next to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, his lips kissed at her cheeks as the two giggled. Butterflies flew around her stomach as they fell on his bed, giggles came from the two of them as he laid on her chest.

~Just a romantic~ clouisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang