Chapter 43: Baby

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Louis woke up with a pounding headache, he looked around the room dazed and confused. His brown eyes looked at his phone, it was one in the afternoon. How had he almost slept through an entire day? The tall boy slowly got out of bed, he felt dizzy, like he would fall at any moment. His long legs walked towards his closet.

He had to see her, he had to make sure she was really home. And if she was he had to make things right. The dark boy didn't change out of his clothes from last night, he didn't have time. He ran down the stairs passed his sleeping father, he was yet again asleep on the couch. Many empty beer bottles surrounded him.

The boy dashed out his front door, his sweater bounced with his phone inside of it. His messy dreads flew lazily all around his face, he was running quickly. He had to see her. Infront of him stood the beautiful white home, more importantly her beautiful white home.

His hands pounded on the door, a little bit more forcefully than he intended as he cringed. Slowly but surely, someone opened the door. Infront of him stood Aj with a glare. Before Louis could say anything, Aj slammed the door shut. Making the tall boy furrow his brows as he knocked again. This time Clementine answered, his eyes widened as he saw the girl.

Her curly hair was tied up in a messy bun, her posture was slump. She had her arms crossed as her petite body leaned against the door frame. He felt tears fill his eyes, she looked so empty.

"Clementine..." He whispered, Louis stepped forward and quickly wrapped his arms around her, he felt the small girl stiffened as he hugged her. The girls small hands roughly pushed him back as she scowled.

"Don't... don't touch me." She whispered, he looked at her with a frown as he sighed.

"Clem, I'm so... so sorry."

She scoffed as she crossed her arms again, she didn't believe a thing he said. Not anymore. Everything he said was so harsh, he expected her to just forgive him? Before she could say anything he looked down Shamefully.

"What I said... that shit was so out of line. I've had some issues I'll admit, but that's not excuse for what I've said. None of it was true, Clementine Everette I love you. I was devastated that you left. I just didn't know how to handle it."

"Obviously, you have no idea what I've gone through. Just because someone hurts your fucking feelings, that doesn't mean you have the right to be an asshole!" She shouted, she felt tears prick her eyes as she squeezed her eyes shut. "Just go home, please."

He couldn't move, he looked up at her as tears rolled down his cheeks. He had fucked up. He had truly screwed up the one thing that made him happy. She couldn't even look at him, his heart broke in millions of pieces as he watched her cry.

"Clementine... baby." He whispered, she visibly winced as she looked up.

"Don't call me that. I told you to leave, what do you not understand about that?" She almost shouted, he looked up at her timidly as he sighed.

"I just... I need you. If we're not together I at least want to be friends. I can't lose you." He whispered softly, the girl scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"I was never yours to lose, I'm not an object. As for being friends, we'll see about that." She said quietly, he smiled softly as he stared into her amber eyes. God she was beautiful, he would always notice that. Being infront of her, it sucked. She was so close yet so far. He couldn't just grab her and kiss her, he couldn't hug her.

He released a short breath as he shook his head, he couldn't be mad at her. He was surprised she hadn't slapped him in the face by now, he slowly turned around as he stuffed his hands in his hoodies pocket. He didn't hear her front door shut, but he couldn't look back. It would've been too painful.

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