Chapter 23: accident

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"Just fucking eat it!" Violet dragged, her brows were furrowed as she watched the tall boy attempt to eat cantaloupe; he still hated it. His nostrils flared as he pushed the fruit away, he eyed it with disgust as he let out a huff.

"It's disgusting vi! Look at it, it's weird looking." He shivered as he leaned against the island, Clementine let out a small giggle as she watched the two bicker.

It was Saturday, it had been a few days since the 'incident'. Jill, Marlon, Mitch, Minnie, Brody, And Clementine sat in the living room. Clementine leaned against Jill as they looked at memes together, it honestly was entertaining for the two.

"The only weird looking thing here is you." Marlon taunted, Louis looked at him with a glare as he crossed his arms. The fruit usually made him wear a attitude.

"Your hair looks like a dead cat, I don't know why you're talking."

"You look like fucking bob Marley!" Marlin argued.

"He's amazing!" He gasped, violet let out a groan as she took a piece of the fruit, Louis gagged as he quickly ran towards Clementine. He was like a child. Her face flushed bright red as he nuzzled his head into her neck, Jill rolled her eyes and tried pushing the boy away.

"What?" Clementine asked with a hint of annoyance, Louis only pointed at the short blonde as he held clem.

"She... ate it." He whispered in horror, violet quickly threw a piece at him making the tall boy shriek as he quickly ducked. The fruit fell into her lap, Louis stared guiltily, almost as if he felt bad its presence was near her. She picked it up and eyed it carefully, he watched her with confusion as she quickly ate it.

"Delicious." She mocked.

"Are you even my girlfriend?"

"Nope." Jill said as she pulled Clementine to her chest, she smirked at the boy as she held her close. "She's mine now sucker."

"Darn, I turned another one lesbian." He said sarcastically as he sat across from them, Clementine and Jill let out a soft laugh as Clem laid on her legs.

The pair had become close, which is something surprising for the group. Louis watched Clementine with a smile as she talked to the others, she really was beautiful. Not just for her looks but her personality, the way she acted was even beautiful. Her light blue jumper was lazily tucked into her jeans, her legs rested on the arm rest as Jill gently brushed her hair.

"We need to have a double date!" Brody exclaimed with excitement, trying to break the awkward tension. Violet, Minnie, Jill, and Mitch glared at her as she smiled nervously.

"That's a great idea!" Louis said with a grin.


"It'll be fun." Louis said as he winked to clem, she only bit her lip as she stared at the ceiling, she hated things like that.

"Do we have to?" Marlon and Clem asked at the same time, their dates only nodded their heads with a smile.

"You're like a girl." Violet mumbled as she sat on the couch, he only grinned at the blonde as he rested his arm against the couch. He wore a smug smile as he shrugged, he looked over to Clementine as he spoke.

"I still get more-"

"Wait my moms calling." Clementine said as she stood up, she quickly pulled out her phone and walked over to the front door. "I'll be back."

The group watched as she walked outside, staring curiously as she put the phone to her ear. Violet roughly punched Louis' arm, making him hiss in pain as he clenched the spot. Marlon let out a deep chuckle as they sat lazily against the couch, his mullet pressed against Brody's shoulder as he leaned on her.

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