Chapter 50: Fighting

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Be prepared for trash, I couldn't figure out how to write this and I kept screwing up. I'm sorry in advance.

Clementine inhaled a large breath as her hand squeezed Louis'. She stood outside of the school, she had been dreading this the whole walk. Louis' soft lips touched her head as he held her close.

"You've got this." He whispered, feeling her nervousness radiate off her body. She looked up at him with furrowed brows as she squinted.

"Are you sure I can't just... be a hobo?" She asked with a weak smile, Louis rolled his eyes as he gently pushed her forward. The others had gone inside five minutes ago, Louis stayed back to help her with her panicked state.

The two teens slowly walked inside, no one seemed to notice them as they walked into the lunch room and sat down. They're group of friends looked at the petite girl sadly, her hand gently squeezed his, showing she was uncomfortable as Louis sighed.

"So I wrote a new song, on my piano that is." Louis said with a proud grin, Clementine smiled softly as she kissed his jaw.

"What's it about?" She asked, Louis stared down at her cheekily as he shook his head.

"Now that my dear, is a secret."

"When'd you write it?" Marlon asked, obviously intrigued.

He was trying his hardest not to stare at a certain gorgeous redhead a few seats away from him. They were at the same table, but she'd usually be right next to him. Her hand on his.

"A few weeks ago." He whispered sadly, it was during him and clementines break up.

It was a dark time for the boy. Many nights with Tanya that he deeply regretted. It wasn't worth the distraction, it only came back to bite him in the ass. He was disgusted by what he did with her. His arm snaked around Clementines waist as he pulled her body closer to his. She felt warm, his soft lips kissed her head as he sighed.

Two teens walked over, a boy and girl. They seemed almost hesitant to speak as one of them cleared their throat. Clem looked up slowly to see a pair of awkward teens.

"We uh... we just wanted to say sorry for your loss. We know this might be hard for you and all." The boy said kindly, Clementine flashed a forced, yet thankful smile.

"I appreciate it." She whispered.

The two walked away as Louis continued to basically cradle her, she fit perfectly in his arms. He couldn't help but grin as she slowly closed her heavy eyes. He loved this feeling. Little did he knew someone was watching. They were in a fit of rage.

Clementine looked up slowly, her amber eyes studied his features carefully. She hadn't seen them in so long, well, she hadn't admired them in so long. It was almost like an out of body experience when they'd stare at each other, she loved having his eyes on her. Louis' hand held her hip, his thumb soothingly stroked her shirt.

The bell finally rang, signaling to every student class was starting. They group of teens stood up, a wave of anxiety rushed over Clementine. She clinged to Louis tightly, not that he minded, he'd protect her with his life.


Clementine stared down at her blank paper, she was supposed to be doing some worksheet. Louis rested a hand on her leg as he flashed a reassuring smile, it didn't help much. Lily sat at her desk as she continued to grade papers. That left her students to do what she left. Clem heard snickering behind her, she turned to see Tanya. The brunette stared at Clementine with a smug look, if she felt any better, she would've slapped her right there.

"Quit staring at me, freak." The girl snarled, anger flooded through Clementines veins as she flipped the girl off. Tanya only scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"Tanya shut the hell up." Louis hissed, his eyes glared at her as she showed a satisfied smile.

"It's not my fault you're dating a weirdo, look at her, she's a mess." Tanya said smugly. "You know what we did was a lot more enjoyable than whatever vanilla fling you have."

Clementine clenched her fists in anger, she just wanted to get through the day. Her eyes stared at the paper as she counted to ten, it was obvious she was trying to calm herself down. Violet and Jill glared at the other girl. They were growing annoyed as she continued to speak.

"I could tell by the way you moaned my name, Hell, the bed almost broke a few times-"

"You're so desperate." Clementine whispered under her breath, Tanya's brows raised as she released a soft chuckle.

"What was that? Tragic runaway finally decided to speak?"

Clem's jaw tightened upon hearing that, Louis felt like he was going to explode. Before he could say anything, Clementine quickly turned around. Her eyes shot daggers at the other girl.

"Fuck you. I don't give a shit what you two did before, you're just some little bitch that does anything for attention." Clementine hissed.

Tanya crossed her arms as she leaned back in her chair, her expression was smug as she giggled. Clementine wanted to punch that grin off the girls face. She used every bit of strength she had on keeping her cool.

"Just face it Clementine, you're nothing and no one. You're the reason your parents are dead, and the reason Lee died. What's next? Who else will die because of you?"

Clem felt tears build in her eyes as she looked down, no one knew what to say. They were all in shock.

"You shouldn't even be alive."

Clementine looked up quickly, all control she had over herself was gone. She wanted to beat the living hell out of Tanya. She lunged towards the other girl, her hand grabbed Tanya's neck as she punched her. The desk made a loud screeching noise as Clementine pushed it, she didn't care what trouble she'd get it.

She didn't care about anything. Tanya punched Clementine in the jaw as they fell back together, making the petite girl stumble as she winced. The pain quickly subsided as Tanya tried towering over her, but Clem wouldn't allow it. She swung her foot around, making the taller girl fall as Clem fisted her shirt.

Her hands connect with her jaw, making the girl under her basically cry in pain. Louis tried grabbing Clementine to hold her back but she wouldn't budge.

"Fuck you! Don't ever say this shit to me again!" She yelled, this time someone pulled her back forcefully. It was one of the boys in her class. She looked up with heavy breathing, her face was blank as Tanya tried charging forward, she was unsuccessful.

Louis kneeled infront of Clementine, his hands held her face as he shook his head. She wasn't looking at him, she wasn't looking at anyone in particular. Louis wiped away a certain spot of blood above her brow, his lips kissed her head as the principle walked in.

"Tanya, Clementine, my office now!" She shouted, Clementine slowly stood up and Tanya trailed behind.

The two walked out of the class, leaving everyone stunned as to what had just happened. Louis ran a stressed hand over his face as he sighed. With the things Tanya said, she deserved a lot more than she got. He couldn't believe the nasty things he heard. She disgusted him, Clementine didn't deserve to hear any of that.

Clementine finally snapped, love that. I don't know what else to say besides Tanya is a bitch. Also sorry this was short and rushed. I didn't know how to write a fighting scene 😔

Thanks for reading❤️

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