Chapter 49: Studying

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Clementine sat on her bed, her eyes stared blankly at the orange comforter under her. She had just taken a shower, her curls were still damp. She stared at her phone, looking at the text from Duck. It felt so empty, any message from everyone felt unreal. She didn't believe they truly cared. She knew Louis did, but she didn't want to always rely on him.

"Clementine, I am so sorry. You have no idea how upset my dad is, I can't even imagine what y'all are going through. I just want you to know that I'm here for anything you need."

Clementine couldn't reply, she only set her phone down as she laid on the bed. It had been a few days since the passing of Lee. It was so haunting, hearing the sobs of her mother and brother. She couldn't cry during the day unless it was brought up. But, she'd wake up in the middle of the night, bursting into tears as she held onto her pillows.

The pain she felt was unbearable, it was the same type she felt when her parents died. Her dry eyes stared blankly out the window. The moon illuminated the light sky as stars scattered around. Clementine remembered when Lee and Carly had adopted her, the first night she came home the three of them stared at the stars. They bonded over their love for the twinkling lights.

It was then she knew they were kind people.

She heard a soft chime of her phone, signaling someone had texted. Clem let out a soft groan before she saw the text from Louis, she instantly smiled.

"How's the homework going?" Her eyes instantly widened at the mention of it. It wasn't much, but it was complicated. She hadn't even attempted it.

"I haven't even tried it, I don't understand this shit."

"If you come over here I can try to help :)"

Clementine softly giggled, he was adorable.

"Sure, but if I get killed I'm blaming you."

Clem quickly got out of bed and grabbed her bag, her phone was zipped into one of the pockets as she cautiously went downstairs. The short girl felt cold but she didn't care. With her black shorts and long sleeve, she was bound to freeze. Clementine ran outside as they air but her skin, she looked ahead at his house. Questions flooded her mind as her brows furrowed. What if his parents were home.

She made her way to his porch, it was quite plain. The two chairs were the only sorts of decoration. Before she could even knock, the door quickly opened. Louis stood infront of her, his smirk was smug as he stepped aside.

"Hurry, my parents are upstairs." He whispered, Clem stepped inside.

She didn't even take time to look around as she scampered upstairs. He quickly followed, her footsteps were a lot lighter than his. The two teens quickly entered his room as he shut and locked the door. He turned around to see her. She looked gorgeous as she set her bag down. Her dark curls were put in a low ponytail, he couldn't help but admire her as she sighed.

"So... do you have the work?" He asked. Clementine held a piece of paper in her hand and passed it to him, she didn't break eye contact as he flashed a grin.

"Do you really know how to do this?" She asked skeptically.

Louis sat at his desk with a soft sigh as Clementine followed. She sat on his bed, it made a small creaking sound as Louis turned.

"Believe it or not I actually paid attention, that and I'm a great guesser." He teased, Clementine rolled her eyes as she heard him chuckle.

Louis stared down at their papers and sighed, this wouldn't take too long. He felt a pair of arms wrap around his neck as lips pecked cheek. It was hard focusing on the homework infront of him as Clementine kissed his jaw. He turned his head slightly and gave her lips a quick kiss, thinking that would satisfy her need for attention.

~Just a romantic~ clouisUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum