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"AHH!". I slammed my hands down on the desk. "I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!". I screamed. I'm supposed to be with my babies on the nice Friday but no, I'm working. I tried calling both Jin and Namjoon but they wouldn't pick up.

"I know they are having a good time together but damn what about me?". I whined. I did appreciate Hoseok watching my Angels but I wanted to do it. "I'm such a baby". I giggled and called Dylan to come up. "He can take charge, I'm hungry". I said then thought of something. "Can I give myself a raise?".

"Yes!". I jumped up and down. I gave myself a 10% raised and put it in my bank account. "I should take my babies somewhere for the weekend". I said grinning. "What did you do?". "Eek!". I jumped.

 I jumped

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"Don't worry about it". I picked up my jacket and bag to go to the door but Dylan grabs me. "No hug or compliment?". Dylan said. "For...". I said. "Look at me". Dylan did a spin. "You look cute". I told him. "Th-thanks". Dylan says blushing. "You asked for a compliment and now you're embarrassed? You are adorable". I pinched his cheek.

Dylan knocks my hand away still blushing. "Leave before I change my mind". Dylan hissed. "You won't". I laughed. "But I'll go since I'm hungry and don't worry, I'll bring you back something". I kissed his cheek and left.

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I didn't even make it in the cafe when I saw something that made me stop and take out my phone.

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'They are adorable!'. I laughed quietly. I had to mess with them because I don't think they knew what they just did. "Congratulations!". I clapped and they jumped. "Jimin! You scared the hell ou... Huh! Jimin!". Taehyung sounded shocked to see me.

"Uh... Yeah? You know any other Jimins cause I would love to meet them". I giggled but he didn't. "Tae? What's wrong?". I asked. "I... Nevermind". He said. "Why did you say congrats? All we did was drink". Jungkook said. "Its the way you two drunk it". I replied with a high voice.

"I'm a tad bit slow so explain". Jungkook said. "A tad?". I raised a brow. "Shut it". Jungkook growled. "Only newly wedded couples drink like that". I said. "Why wasn't I invited to the wedding?". I asked. "We didn't get married!". Jungkook yelled. "I told you that was a bad idea!". Taehyung smacked Jungkook.

"Ow! Why did you hit me! I thought it was cute!". Jungkook yells pouting. "I'm hungry". I bluntly said and they both looked at me. "I didn't come here to watch y'all fight, I came to sooth my hunger". I said. "You're mean". Taehyung huffs. "I'm a paying customer, now feed me". I smiled.

Taehyung says nothing and goes to the kitchen. "You can't be bossing my baby around like that". Jungkook glares at me. "I wasn't, I said I was hungry, I couldn't make myself any clearer then that". I said. "Whatever". Jungkook huffs and looks at me. "What?". I said. "What's really up with you and Dylan?". He asked.

"Nothing is "up" since I had it grounded". I told him. "I told him that I didn't want to rush into anything and he accepted that so we are taking things super slow". I said. "So... You two are not dating?". Jungkook asked and I shook my head. "Do you like him?". Jungkook asked.

I put my head down because I knew the answer to that. "Its ok to like him Jimin". Jungkook says and I was stunned he said that. "I know". I said in a whisper. "I- I just don't want him to think I'm using him for comfort or something like that". I said. "I don't want him to feel like I'm playing with his feelings, I just...". I had stop because I will cry if I didn't.

"You're a idiot and let me finish before you try to kill me". Jungkook says because I gave him mean glare. "We all know that Dylan is crazy for you and he will never feel like that, your the one still questioning yourself about everything". I stared at Jungkook amazed. "So, stop beating yourself up". Jungkook smiles.

"Oh my god!". I squealed. "What? What!". Jungkook yells confused. "You smile like a bunny!". I awed. Jungkook just walks away from me. "Wait! Its cute!". I giggled. "What did you do to him?". Taehyung asked. "I said he smiles like a bunny". I said. "Right! Isn't it cute!". Taehyung squeals.

"It is adorable!". I said fanboying. "I DO NOT SMILE LIKE A BUNNY!!!". Jungkook screams from somewhere.

"Oh yes you do!".

Lost lover(Yoonmin) *Completed* #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now