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I didn't even breath for a second at my desk when Maia pushes my chair into the break room. "What?". Maia hissed coldly. "You're going have to explain to me what's going on". I said. "San texted me this morning telling me that you met SEOKJIN!". Maia screams.

"I did at the pa...". "Save you lies Jimin". Maia cuts me off. "He is my idol, my hero, my god, how long have you been hiding this from me?". She asked. "At the park yesterday". I finished off my sentence. "He got lost and asked me for help". I told her.

"You could have lied to him so I can help him! What happen to our friendship Jimin?!? You're willing to destroy it and for what?!?". Maia was so red in the face that I laughed at her. "He lives five blocks away from me". I said. "Jimin there are no words to describe how much of a great friend you are". Maia grins.

"I thought I wa...". "That was SO five seconds ago, keep up Jimin". Maia rolled her eyes and leaves me in the room. "I need better friends". I pouted. "But while I'm in here". I went to the cabinet and grabbed a chocolate donut. "You know what? Mine". I picked up the whole box and walked out the room.

The work day went by fast and since Namjoon order lunch for everyone, no one left for lunch. That made me want to leave faster. I saw Maia throwing all her things in her bag like the building was about to blow up. "Ma...". "MOVE!". Maia practically almost killed me shoving me aside.

Luckily, I was caught by Jion. The only gentleman in this building besides Namjoon. "You ok Jimin?". I like his voice it was a nice breeze and it was sweet. "I'm fine Jion, thank you". I smiled. "No problem". He rubs his neck. "Umm Jimin... Can I um ask you something?". Jion rubs his arm. "Let me guess Darren?". I smirked.

Jion saw Darren and I shopping one day and hasn't stop asking about him since. "He's still single Jion". I insured him. "That's fantastic!". Jion jumps a little and I laughed. "I'll ask him out... One day". Jion said. "You've been saying that for six months now but ok". I said. "I will!". Jion yelled. "But why did Maia run out like that?". He asked. "I don't know".

She wouldn't run out like that unless something was wrong, then my kids came to mind and I felt a lump in my throat. I said nothing else and ran out the building. "Jimin?". Jion stood there confused.

I must have broken every driving law going home. My heart was telling me that my kids were safe but my mind wasn't letting my heart win. I couldn't even cry because I didn't want to crash. 'Breath Jimin, they are ok'. I tell myself to calm down. I saw my house and jumped out my car.

I legit kicked my door open scaring Darren that was walking pass the door. "Did you lose you...". "Where are they?". I had no time for chit chat. "They are in the living room, wh...". I didn't even let Darren finish speaking, I just ran.

"Hmm... Eomma's back!". Sanna smiled brightly but I dropped to my knees in relief. "Thank god". I let out a deep breath. "Mum!". Sanna ran to me. "Are you ok?!?". Sanna says worried. "I'm ok, sorry Princess". I hugged her. "Hi Jimin!". I gave Maia dark look. "What I do?". She asked.

"I thought something happened to them!". I yelled and I feel myself tearing up. "Oh god Jimin! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!". Maia rushes over to me and hugs me. "But Darren called me about your guest and I bitch had to rush over". Maia chirps happily. "Guest?". I said. "Yes guest".

 "Yes guest"

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"Hello again Jimin". Jin gave me a charming smile and I went red. "He-hello Hyung". I bowed. "Hyung makes me sound old, call me Jin". Jin said. "But you are o...". I covered San's mouth. "Ok but how do you know where I lived?". I asked. "I saw your twins with Darren and asked him to drive me here". Jin said.

I gave a look of hate to Darren and he shivers. I know SeokJin was a good guy but I meant the man yesterday, I didn't want him in my house. "I know what your thinking Jimin". Jin laughed. "I know I'm still a stranger to you but I'm harmless and to busy to do anything harmful". Jin said.

"I know, I'm sorry if I offended you". I bowed. "Offend? Me? Ha!". Jin started laughing. "You're adorable Jimin, I don't get offended, I offend". Jin said. "I like him". San said. "Really?". I said. "Yeah, he's mean with a pretty face... Like you". San said. "Go to your room". I ordered. "Why?!?". San yelled. "I am not mean". I said.

"Your mum is right". Darren said. "Than...". "He's vicious". Darren said. "A devil". Maia adds. "A heathen". "Rude". "Looks like a harmless animal but will kill you family with a smile on his face". Maia said. "I can see that". Jin giggled. "Get out of my house". I growled. They all chuckled and left.

"You are me...". "Sanna, go to your room". I said. "Aw man". Sanna pouts and walks upstairs. "So rude". San shakes his head. I gave San a look. "Yeah, yeah, I'll kick myself out". San gave me a half hug and went upstairs.

"Love you!".

Lost lover(Yoonmin) *Completed* #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now