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It was a little over midnight and I was saying goodbye to Maia because Hoseok offer to drive me home. "You better hit that". Maia said in my ear. "What?!?". I yelled. "You're right, he better it that". Maia giggled. "He's my new neighbor". I told her. "Ooh sexy". Maia dances around me.

"Just take Darren drunk ass home". I rolled my eyes. "I have never seen someone sleep dance drunk before". Maia looks at a sleeping Darren. "You taped him right?". I asked. "What type friend would I be if I didn't?". We smirked at each other. "Welp bye bitch". I hugged Maia. "Bye bye boo". Maia pinched my cheek and drives off with Darren.

"So... Ready?". Hoseok asked holding the passenger door open for me. "Yup!". I smiled and jumped in his car. "So... Should I be scared of her?". Hoseok asked. "Oh no". I said. "Th...". "You should be terrified of her". I said. I saw Hoseok's eyes go wide and I laughed.

We talked the whole way back. We had a a lot in common actually but one thing we clicked on was we both love dancing. "I can't believe your the son of Weiya, THE Weiya! She's the reason why I dance". I couldn't even control my fanboying. "I admire you so much".

I'm guessing Hoseok wasn't expecting me to say that because he looks at me. "Y-you do?". Hoseok says stunned. "Duh". I roll my eyes. "I can tell you like dancing and not just following your mom's footsteps, your doing it because you makes you feel happy and I don't know, its like a desire for you". I said.

"Desire?". Hoseok repeats. "Yeah... I can't explain it but it seems that dancing will help you stay happy and others around you". I don't know how to tell him honestly but I feel how passionate Hoseok was about dancing. "Thank you Jimin". Hoseok said. "I'm sorry I di...".

"No, its ok, I'm glad someone understands my love for dancing and doesn't see me as a copycat". Hoseok says sadly. I poked his shoulder and and he hums. "They are jealous so let me choke on it". I laughed darkly. "You and your friends are demons ain't y'all?". Hoseok asked. "That's why were friends". I giggled.

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"It wasn't necessary to walk me to my door Hoseok". I got out my keys. "Hey, neighbors gotta watch out for each other". Hoseok said. "Aww, you don't know the people here yet". I shook my head. "Night Jimin". Hoseok said. "Night". I watched Hoseok leave before I opened my door. "Jimin!". Zai gave me a hug. "Hi Zai". I laughed.

"I'm SO charging you for this!". He yelled. "For...?". I said. "Sanna!". Zai shouted and I giggled. "You should be happy that my daughter likes you, its a honor". I said. "Are you not taking me seriously?". Zai asked. "Zai... I never take you seriously". I sassed. "She eight, she can't hurt you". I said pushing him aside. "That's how it starts!". He yells behind me.

"That's how what starts?". I asked. "Stalkers". He replies. "I'm trying to help you Jimin before it starts". Zai says looking around. "It took me SO long to tell her to go to bed". Zai groans. "Just talk to her please!". Zai begs. "Fine". I rolled my eyes. 'I'm not going to but he doesn't need to know that'. I giggled. "Thank you!". Zai gave me a hug. "Yup, no get out". I ordered.

"I want my mo...". I grabbed his arm and pushed him out my house. "You should go talk to your wife, she set some poor women's hair on fire and we got kicked out because of it". I hissed. "I do...". "Night Zai! And thank you!". I slammed the door in his face and chuckled.

"I don't like him". I turned around seeing San standing there with a glass of milk in his hand and Noya by his feet. "It is 12:45 in the morning, why are you late?". San asked. "Who are you to question me?". I sassed. "Your favorite". San grins. "My fav...".

"Go to your room".

Lost lover(Yoonmin) *Completed* #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now